Chapter 9

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*I suppose you could say this is somewhat where the good stuff starts ;) 

Warnings: One swear word but that's it. 


      A week later, the temperatures started to drop but Lyla continued to stay on the balcony. She was surprised as she sat by the windowsill and the helper smiled at her, a bit of pity in her gaze.

     "Something wrong?" Lyla asked her. She always liked her. Her name was Bella and she was one of the few people Lyla could talk a bit too, she learnt a lot about Bella, she had found out she was a mother to a beautiful baby boy Lyla had gotten the pictures of. Bella didn't answer and simply gave a pointed look to the office study Ryerson had in the huge house. Lyla hesitantly put the book she was reading down, and made her way to the office room. 

      As she peeked through the curtain her eyebrow curved at the sight. Ryerson was sitting very close to a lady, she was blonde with attractive blue eyes that weren't even paying attention to what he was saying. Instead she was straightforwardly flirting, her blonde hair twirling around her finger, her eyelashes fluttering in what she thought was a seductive way. 

     Lyla made a face, shaking her head. She sighed, asking for the lady's name from Bella. She found her name was Rebecca, and Lyla didn't like that name. Taking a seat back at the windowsill, she opened her book again trying to get rid of her other thoughts. 

     Not ten minutes later they both walked out of the office room. Lyla just then noticed how short and tight the lady's dress was. It clung to her like a second skin and it showed too much of legs for single digit weather numbers. She was also wearing a ghastly amount of makeup, Lyla didn't even want to know how much time she spent on it. Rebecca sneered at her and she just stared back. Ryerson stopped thinking that they were going to greet each other.

      "You must be Lyla, the wife," Rebecca sneered. Lyla gave the blondie a fake smile.

      "And you must be Rebecca, the slut," she said innocently. Come on, just the way Rebecca was looking at her confirmed that she was that kind of girl. Not to mention she was still flirting with Ryerson even if she knew that he was married. After all, she knew that Lyla was his wife.

      "Excuse me?!" the slut basically screeched, far too early in the conversation.

      "Lyla, apologize to her!" Ryerson demanded.

     "No." Lyla denied plainly. Suddenly Ryerson got a smirk worthy thought. Was she jealous? Maybe even possessive? He pushed away the smirk just in time.

    "I don't care if you're jealous, apologize to her, she's one of my most hard-working colleagues."

     "Okay, first, her? A hardworking colleague?" Lyla scoffed, calmly continuing, "please. I don't even think you guys are only colleagues let alone her being hardworking. She probably just wants to work you. And second, me? Jealous? What about her is supposed to make me jealous? I have no reason to get jealous, especially jealous of a woman who first looks like plastic, and second is wearing a dress so tight and short it might as well be a top." 

      Lyla really wasn't jealous, she just felt disrespected. This man, the one she was married to, even if he didn't like this marriage he could at least respect her. Did he have to go out of his way to let women think they could flirt with him? 

     Lyla was a girl who would get angry rather than hurt or upset. One could say it was a protection mechanism, but really, it was just the fuel and confidence that let her speak back to anyone who insulted her in any way. Ryerson's jaw dropped. He never thought she would be so straightforward, he knew she was a strong, confident woman but damn. He had to admit, this was pretty hot but Rebecca looked like she might burst, and Rebecca was also one of his best workers.

     "Apologize to Rebecca, now," he ordered. Lyla glared at him and he threw her a look as much as a smirk pulled at his lips.

     "Okay, fine," Lyla conceded. The blonde slut gave her a complacent smirk. Oh, did she think she won this? The lady grinned evilly and folded her arms, expecting an apology. Lyla wore a sickly sweet smile and Ryerson already had a bad feeling about this "Rebecca, if I've hurt you with my words, I just want to let you know, from the bottom of my heart, I," she sounded somewhat sincere until then and a sarcastic smile took over her face before she said, "I really don't give a fuck." The blondie's smirk dropped and her face grew an ugly red in anger, even Ryerson blinked in surprise. He could sense a fight coming.

      "Rebecca, I'll see tomorrow for our meeting. Why don't you leave?" she left, fuming and Ryerson turned to a triumphant Lyla, god, why did she have to look so damn hot like this? "what was that? She's my colleague. I don't care if you're jealous-"

      "Don't flatter yourself," Lyla interrupted.

      "-You cannot talk to her like that."

      "And who said I can't?"

      "I did!"

       "You did, and that's supposed to mean something to me?" she shot back immediately with a small smug smirk, it was so adorable how he was trying. Ryerson grunted in annoyance.


      "Don't raise your finger on me," Lyla said, suddenly getting serious, "that girl is not worth the business's time or money. I'm telling you, she's fake. And I don't mean just the looks, I mean more than that. She doesn't work at all, I'm sure. For the next week, if someone keeps an eye on her I know you'll find something interesting about her," Ryerson made to interrupt but she held up a hand, shutting him up, "and while you're at it, watch how much money I know she's eating from the business as well."

     "When you know you're wrong, I want you to give her a sincere apology," Ryerson demanded, wearing an overconfident smile.

     "Deal. I know I won't be wrong," her confidence killed his smug smile slightly. She couldn't be right, could she? No. She was smart. This confidence was used to beat down his own, he knew, she was attractively cunning like that. But then again, his thoughts couldn't help but be directed to how desirable she looked with that killer smirk. He let out a groan as he focused on his work again.

      The next morning he walked up to Lyla for some reason a bit nervous for the first time, starting a proper conversation with her.

     "I've put a secretary to watch Rebecca without her knowing for this week. By the end of this week you'll know that I was right."

     "Not going to happen." Lyla replied not even looking up from her textbooks.

      A week later Ryerson walked up to her again. 


After this, really I'm only planning for one serious part, so you can look forward to the rest of the book if you want flirty and hot and heavy stuff. 

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