Bonus Chapter

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WARNING: This chapter doesn't have smut, per se, but it is very, very suggestive of it, sooo.. read at your own risk.


      "Pay attention to me," Lyla whined, poking her husband's arm as he typed away on his laptop. She normally wasn't one for asking for attention, she understood when someone needed to be left alone to do work but now she couldn't help it. Especially when her husband of two years looked damn hot when he was focused. 

      Ryerson's lips curled into the smallest of smirks, watching for this first time his wife was needy for his attention, but he kept his blue-green eyes glued on his laptop, "Ryyyyyyy."

     "I'm trying to finish some work," he stated, starting to type again. He enjoyed Lyla whining childishly for his attention, it was a rare sight that he would savor. He liked it too much. 

    "Okay, but when is this supposed to be finished?"

   "Today," he said. He looked briefly at his beautiful wife who raised an eyebrow.

    "Let me rephrase that," she said, narrowing her eyes as he turned back to his laptop, "when are you going to use the work you're finishing today? You and I both know you won't do work that needs to be done today. You would have done that about weeks earlier." oh, she knew him too well, "well?" she prompted.

     "It'll still need to be used at some time," he answered, putting on a serious face, as he started to type again. He knew that she was pouting.

     "Ryyyyyyyy," she whined again after a few minutes, poking his side. He didn't answer. 

      Lyla sincerely tried to focus on other things in the room but hey. Guess what? Staring at a plant is much less entertaining than spending time with your husband, "can you at least tell me when you'll be done?" she asked.

      "I'll be done when I'm done," he replied. 

        The air around Lyla smelled of pure boredom and she let out an overdramatic groan. She resorted to staring at her husband. Yeah, this was much better. 

       She stared at him like a cat, with a small pout, asking for attention. He was well aware of her gaze but didn't comment on it, simply continued to do his work that was *cough* only going to be used two months from now. 

      In a few minutes the way Lyla stared at him changed, she was studying his features in much more detail now. Contemplating how his green-blue eyes were the most beautiful thing in the world. How they looked like shining diamonds. How his long, dark eyelashes hooded them attractively. How his cheekbones were so well sculpted that he really should've gone for modelling. How his soft, dark hair naturally fell artfully on his forehead. How the three-day old stubble on his chin looked more handsome on his face than ever as he bit those pink lips.

      Lyla sat up, stretching her hands into his hair. Letting her cool fingertips massage his scalp. Ryerson's eyes closed briefly and Lyla was about to laugh out loud in triumph but then he turned back to work. She pouted but continued to play with her husband's hair. She knew he was getting distracted.

      "Stop that," he commanded.

     "If your work is that important, it won't matter," Lyla responded, "go ahead." he started to type again but after about ten minutes Lyla was feeling bored again, "Ryyyyyyy." she whined again. He didn't say anything. 

     Getting an idea Lyla leaned forward slowly placing her lips to the side of his neck. She felt him tense and she smiled slightly as she dragged her lips lower, not even bothering to be discreet in the trail of hickeys she was leaving. The collar of his shirt bent slightly as she placed a small kiss at his collarbone. He cleared his throat uncomfortably. She smirked, letting her kisses trail upward again, tracing his jaw. She placed a final kiss behind his ear, Ry's breath hitched.

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