A Sudden

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"Hi, my name is Joan, Joan Fitzgerald, I'd like to have your number, I really like you."

"I have a boyfriend, thank you" she gave me that smile without even stop walking to talk to me.

I gave a signal to Jake, so he did bring the white Rolls-Royce, and give me the keys, so I got in; of course, all of that was serving a purpose or an experiment to see how she will react.

Her reaction was expected, she just ran to me and all the wonder marks were obvious on her face, like the others, her first words were "Is that car is yours?"

I didn't want to waste my time, therefore; I started the car engine and went away.

"Wait...!" she stopped Jack "...is that his car?"

I came back, did some drifts, and took Jack; a strong black bald man, he was about two meters tall with the great suit on his skin, and that beard on his face made him invincible.

-That's man was my handsome loyal bodyguard...-

"I thought I was going to die... thanks for saving my ass," Jake said as getting in the car

"I'm your boss, how can you use those words in my presence..." I said seriously.

"Hahahaa..." I didn't control myself, and the laughter began flying everywhere in the car.

"Dude, look at your face... I'm joking man," I said while laughing and driving Rolls-Royce in the middle of the streets.

-I forgot to mention that he wasn't just my bodyguard, he was my man, and like a brother to me.-

He was putting on the seat belt "Careful with the road."

"I don't need to remind you that you did swear that you will never tell me what to do again"

"But I'm your bodyguard man! It's my job."

I lost control of my emotions, "Dude...! You're not my bodyguard, you're my brother,"

He became emotional too "Thanks man, I appreciate it"

"So, how many experiences we..."

My speech was interrupted by a dog which was in the middle of the road, and thank God, I turned the wheel at the last moment, but I just made it worse since I sent the car directly to a woman; in her thirties, and hit it with the car.

Quickly, we exited and went to check on her, we found her in pain though it didn't look so bad, thanks to Jake who lifted the handbrakes,

"It's not so bad," I said in a calm accent.

She gave me that scary look "Seriously! You broke my leg and you still talking...!"

I answered her in rage "why are you yelling...? It wasn't on purpose; moreover, we weren't even at full speed when we bumped into you!" She did have a broken leg though.

-That's was my problem, I was snippy, and didn't know when to talk and when to shut up, every word comes to my head I just say it without thinking of consequences.-

"Come on man! Let me handle this" Jake whispered in my ear and went back to the woman.

"Ma'am, please, don't worry, we already called an ambulance, and excuse my friend, he is a little nervous." He said while patting at her shoulder.

She began yelling again "Nervous! What about me, what I should say; I have a son to pick up from school in less than half-hour."

Jake was calming her and the people were looking at us like it was a movie, "What are you looking at? Huh, don't take pictures you assholes! It's not a movie here!" In an angry accent, I started shouting.

After less than five minutes the ambulance came and took the poor woman to the hospital and I asked Jake to go with her, when the ambulance has gone I noticed her wallet on the road, I went to check it and I saw her identity card; The name was Sara William, born in 1990, plus the place of birth, and with the card, there was a picture of a sweet blond kid with a pretty face and an innocent look, his name was written under behind the pic, so I thought "he must be her son, I should go and pick him up for her."

I entered my car again which was damaged a little in the front, I fixed my costume and my makeup, –I will explain later, - together with opening the GPS looking for the schools around, I found just two schools, the first school was far 25minutes walking, the second one was about an hour.

It was obvious that he studied in the first one, so I went there full of excitement.

When I arrived I went to look but I found that this school was closed, because of the renovation work.

I thought I was smart, but the second school was one hour far on foot, but if you have a car you can get there in ten minutes.

I didn't have too much time as I got so far from the school, so, this time I changed the car to the sport mode and went as fast as I could, the adrenaline was floating in my body, I just wished to arrive at one piece, "thank you God!" that what happened.

I was exactly in time; the students were everywhere and I started looking for the target.

"No...it's not you...no... damn it where is him?" I was touching the kids in order to find Joshua; the son of the woman I hit.

Suddenly, I heard "You creepy!"

I turned around and found a mature woman staring at me with her bulging eyes, "Oh! I'm not a creepy mam, I just..."

She interrupted me with her screaming "A Creep! A Creep! Someone help me here!"

-I mean what's wrong with people today? And then, I remembered my costume, actually, I really looked like a creepy, but those were just a cover for the people to don't recognize me and know that I'm the famous billionaire Joan Birmingham.-

After few seconds, I found myself surrounded by four people and two of them were cops, I tried to explain to them that I was harmless, but that was the big issue that I always hate in humans; judging the book by the cover.

I knew that they will not listen to me, and my eyes caught the kid I was looking for, so, I decided that it was time to use my skills, and bring the chick back to his egg, -that's wasn't funny...-

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