Tough Moment

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While panting he said, "He wasn't in the garden, I searched everywhere."

Sara got so scared, her blond face began turning to yellow, her lips started trembling and the pink in her cheeks vanished.

"Ma'am please, don't worry, He won't have a place to go, he is just around here," I tried to calm her.

"No, no, no..." she tried to stand up, but we stopped her because she was about to hurt herself, I looked at her eyes "Sara! Look at me! I promise that I will bring him to you even on my dead body."

She gazed into my eyes for a moment, "I believe you, but you have to know that if you didn't find him, then don't wait for me, because I will get you and I will murder you."

-Just, to give you advice for your safety; Do not mess with a mom when it comes to her children.-

She wasn't joking or just speaking; she looked like a serial killer, "Ok, I promise you" I said and my heart was beating crazily, particularly since I heard her words.

I ran and Jake as fast as we could, in our way we told the security that we lost a child and I was lucky to have his picture, so we separated to cover a bigger space, I went directly to the garden and began calling in every direction "Josh! Joshua...!"

No answer, the time was ticking; the security told us that we should find him before 1:00 pm, which was the visit time, therefore, the hospital at that time will full of people, and since he was a kid he might be getting kidnapped.

I looked at the watch in my hand, it pointed to 00:23 pm, the garden wasn't that big, the vision in it was limited, and so if he was there I would have seen him.

I stopped for a moment and tried to do like in the movies; I began thinking "If I was a 5 years kid and suffered from poor focus, where do I go...?" I stared for a moment but it didn't work, I rethought "maybe, that's the wrong question, let try again... If I was a 5 years kid who suffered from poor focus, in a hospital and my mom is sick, where do I..." I remembered that he didn't know that his mom was in the hospital, so, I decided to use the old way and began searching instead of wasting time, and I looked at my watch for the second time to find it pointing to 00:31 pm.

-What! I wasted eight minutes just in thinking!-

I was in front of a building; I walked in without looking at the block's name, and while walking I heard women's screams everywhere; like they were tortured, it was terrifying.

Suddenly a lady doctor stopped me "Sir, you can't be here it's the maternity ward."

"Ma'am you don't understand, there is a missed kid, and I'm looking for him," I explained to her my situation.

"I'm sorry to hear that but make sure that he can't enter this place, it's denied..."

I interrupted her "He is a kid! He doesn't know that it is denied, plus, if I could enter, he also can..."

She kept silent for a moment to think and tell me that she will search for him, "Thank you...! I appreciate it..." I said and returned quickly "...Yeah! Before I forget, his mom is waiting in the surgery wade, room number 102 in the block *C*."


It's didn't look good because time was running, I called Jake to inquire about them, but he told me that they didn't find anything.

Time passed and it was 1:00 pm, many people began showing up carrying bags and flowers; they brought food and gifts for their families who were sick in the hospital, anyway; it wasn't looking good.

Indeed, in less than five minutes the hospital became overcrowded, I went to the front yard; the only place left, I felt like the blood freeze in my veins when I saw the plastic cover of the snacks that I bought to Josh thrown on the ground; it meant that he went outside.

-What a life! Just before minutes I was thinking about who's taking care of Josh because of his mom, now, I'm thinking about who's taking care of Sara because of her son, and of course, who will save me from Sara's hands.-

Anyway, I ran outside; since the hospital has built in the middle of the city, I didn't know where to go first, it was a big world; cars are everywhere, peoples also, so I choose a random road.

After ten minutes of running randomly everywhere, and because I didn't have a call from Jake, I started losing hope; I was so tired, my clothes were so sweated and what made things worst was the city which was so big and crowded with people.

I returned to the hospital; destroyed, and thinking how I'm going to tell his mom.

-I mean everyone who is reading this, imagine that someone broke your leg and lose your son, your only son; the only thing left in your life, I wished the earth would open up and swallowed me.-

I had the money and the ability to hide or even to win against Sara in the trial, I had the power, however, I never thought about that, I decided to go to her and took the punishment I deserved.

I arrived at block *C*; I didn't have the power to go up by the stairs, I took the elevator.

I seriously was thinking of going to jail for more than 20 years, and I cerebrated to give my money, half to Sara and half between Jake and Tina; the made in our house.

It was time to admit, I walked with small steps to get to room 102, but what I found there was unbelievable.

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