Harsh Confession

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"Is she...?" I wanted to confirm.

He looked bummed, "Yes, she is... "

Tina was wondering, "who is Beatrice...?" loudly.

I said, "A gold-digger!" and he said, "A model!" at the same time.

After, we stared at each other for a moment.

-Beatrice Markova; a gold-digger, works as a model. She is not famous a lot, however, she's drop-dead gorgeous; she almost got me in her trap with her magic; it's a long story, but I knew she did what she did because of my money.-

"Bro, don't say that!" he warned me, using his finger.

I laughed, "Don't pretend you care!"

"I do care. She is my future wife!" he shouted.

I couldn't hide my rage also, "Future wife! Don't crack me up, she is a gold-digger."

"No, she is not!" he stood up and hit the chair on the ground.

I tried to calm him, "Bro... you need to chill out! You are not thinking clearly."

"Yeah... you are the one who not thinking clearly, bro... This needs to stop," Jake used his finger to accuse me.

"But we're not finished yet!"

"I'm not talking about that..." he turned his head down "... I'm not talking about this conversation... I'm talking about you, man."

He confused me a little, "What?"

His language changed; like he was zapped and pissed off. "Yes, bro, Stop goofing off; this love thing and finding your soul mate, you must end it, bro..."

As I became sorrowful, I interrupted him with a sad smile on my face, "I... I thought you had my back..."

As looking directly into my eyes, Jake started throwing arrows at my heart, "I'm, I have your back, it just... And I'm not talking about searching for your true love; it's a good thing. I'm talking about making things complicated, all the exams and the tests... it's messed up, man."

I was in shock and didn't find what to say; the tears in my eyes formed, but I tried my best to not show my weakness; I thought he understood me... I thought he was my brother, and he knows how it feels when you notice that everyone around is not seeing you, they are not seeing Joan Birmingham... They are seeing Joan Birmingham's money, Joan Birmingham's companies, Joan Birmingham; the Handsome Prince... They don't even bother themselves and try to check if you are a funny guy... a boring, or a good or... No, the first thing that comes to their minds is: Wow! He is a Billionaire!

Tina seemed panicked since she kept silent during all the argument; unusually.

I took a lot of time trying to absorb Jake's words; nevertheless, I was too harmed to answer.

"I'm off." I took the jacket and left the house.

"Joan...!" I could just hear Jake and Tina calling me.

It took me 1 minute to arrive at the gate. I took the keys and when I was about to ride it, the guard Brandon stood in my face and said, "Sir, we had a call to not let you drive alone..."

"Seriously...! By whom?"

"Madam Tina, sir." He answered respectfully.

I didn't want to turn down Tina's orders, but at that moment; I was furious.

"Well, tell your Tina that I'm the Boss here... Understood?" I retorted.

"Yes, sir." He descended her head and looked down.

"Great! Now get in the car."

"What?" wonder was obvious on his face.

"Now!" I opened the car's door and got in.

He sat next to me and was about to put on the seatbelt. I said, "No need."

I could see the fear in his eyes, but he wasn't brave to say no; though I didn't say that to make him scared. Seeing him like that made me laugh.

I started the engine, pressed the gas pedal with no clues where to go or what the direction; it is true who said: anger blinds insight.

I drove the car. After 30minutes of excessive thinking, I found myself five minutes away from the hospital; I was amazed by my subconscious since it took me exactly to where Sara is.

I felt like I need someone who doesn't act and doesn't lie and specifically someone who doesn't pretend.

The sky was finally full of stars and the roads became empty; I told Brandon to stay and wait in the car, and walked to the hospital as the rains were spitting on me; hoping to find Sara.

As I entered the gates of the hospital, a guard came to me and said, "Sir, you can't enter now, the visit time ends."

He tried to push me out. Without consciousness, I moved his hand from my body and pushed him back.

-The mixed feelings in me made me do immature decisions, to begin, if I was acting normally I would try to ask him politely to let me in or even bribe him, and of course, he will allow, instead of overreacting and pushing him.-

I began shouting and screaming at the guard; he took his paddle and prepared to hit me. His friend came, also my friend 'my bodyguard' Brandon; we were about to begin the fight if Sara didn't scream, "Joan!"

I turned my head to see her coming from inside the hospital; wearing a coat and hardly walked with a crutch.

When she arrived, she said, "What are you doing here?"

I looked at her, impressed at how pretty she was, and I couldn't hide that.

"I'm talking to you!" she shouted again.

I woke up, "I... I wanted... to..." I didn't find what to say.

"God! C'mon," she caught my hand and exited the gates, heading to the car.

"Answer the damn question!"

"I... Wanted to see you..." I got embarrassed.

"You what?" she wondered.

"I think I'm in..."

She waited patiently to know what I was gonna say.

"I'm in Lo..."

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