The Pizza Guy

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I went to the car while trying my best to hide the jubilant features on my face, but what can I say; I am not that guy.
I kept my eyes down and got in the car. The moment I lift my head, Brandon was smiling and looking weirdly.
"What?" I asked because he confused me.
He passed his hands and tried to tickle me. "Mission passed… Mr. Romeo."
"Man, I'm still your boss."
It was an embarrassing situation. The words I said made Brandon transformed into seriousness mode. He started the engine, put his hands on the wheel, and prepared.
-It gave me a feeling like he was forced to work as a bodyguard because his personality belong to a pizza delivery man or a sales agent.-
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Yes sir," He answered.
While trying to dry my jacket, I asked, "Do you have a family?"
"Yes sir."
"I told you before, don't to call me sir! Okay."
"Okay… " He looked sad.
"It's all right, and who are your family members?"
"My mom, my dad, my little sisters," I felt the emotions flowing from him as he was speaking.
"Is that all?"
I stilled silent for some time, thinking, "Drive!"
"Where to, sir… Joan?" Before he finished the word, he took it back.
I smiled, "Just drive."
As we were on the road, it was bucketing down; the view was blurry; I saw Brandon sticking his nose on the wheel in order to see better, however; he didn't look normal.
"Brandon!" I said in a panic.
He couldn't take his eyes. "Yes,"
"Are you well?"
"Um… Can't complain," he sounded apprehensive.
Since we entered the highway where all the gigantic trucks drive, I freaked out, "What do you mean, can't complain…?"
"I… Hmm, I forgot my glasses."
Suddenly, another fast car launched the horn because Brandon was swerving on the other side.
"Keep your eyes open… Um, what is your average vision test…?" the thunder sounds were… thunderous.
"It was average."
"What is it on ten?"
I shouted, "Stop the car now!"
He slowed down and parked beside the road.
I got out of the car and went to his side; I opened the driver's door and told him to get down loudly.
"What…?" he questioned
I began scolding him, "Are you crazy? Tell me, are you crazy?"
He couldn't find anything to defend himself, "Five on ten and you drive!"
"But, I used to…" he responded while looking down.
"That's nonsense! There is only a line between you and the blind. How can you drive without your glasses in this Miserable Storm…?" I started losing it and hit the car with my hand.
"Look… You drove the car half-blinded, in the night, in the storm… used to, used to…
If you want to kill yourself, do it! But Don't take me with you! I still have a life to live."
Immediately, after finishing my speech, I rode in the car again and left without him.
-Losing control is the main issue I suffered from my whole life; it is something that I needed to fix. I always let my heart take the lead instead of my brain; that is why I can't hide my emotions.-
After 2 minutes or fewer of fast driving, I searched for a roundabout for the reason that I was on the highway, so I could return, and when the vision became clear, I saw him on the side of the road doing thumbs up, trying to find someone to pick him up.
I felt sorrowful for him. Furthermore, I stopped the car next to him; I opened the window and called, "Hello, sir! Where do you want to go?"
He got surprised, smiled, and answered, "Anyplace, except here, please."
"Copy that! Get in!" I opened the door for him.
-It's true that I am under the control of my emotions, and that I become angry in no time, but, I'm one hundred percent sure that if I hide my feelings, I will be a lousy person as I never forget the offense if I don't respond, for that, control feelings is not one of my goals, maybe not yet-
"Hey man, I know I said things that maybe hurt you."
He interrupted me calmly, "maybe…?"
"Okay, not maybe, but knows! That I didn't mean what I have told you… I'm… I'm sorry."
He smiled, "apology accepted."
I took a moment waiting, but he didn't look like he was about to say something, "Aren't you going to apologize."
"For what!" he yelled.
"For nearly killing us!"
Calmly said, "see... that the thing, when you insulted me I said nothing, and that's why you needed to apologize, however, when I nearly killed us you already defended on yourself, so, I don't need to apologize anymore."
Whereas I was about to say something, I mulled over what he said and found that he was totally right.
"I… I am…" I said while he was smiling and looking at me.
Likewise, I continued, "… It sounds fair."
"Oh! I remembered, what is your dream?" I asked.
"… Me?" he put his finger on his chest.
"And who else is here?" I shouted.
"Mm... For now, in a not so long a time, I wished to have sex with Angelina Molly."
"Are you serious…?"
We stared at each other for a moment, "That is absolutely… A great dream, man!" I surprised him; I also was in love with Angelina Molly, the hot actress.
"Yeah?" Brandon was surprised.
"Yeah, man…! I wish you the best of luck, man."
"But I didn't mean that by asking… I meant what you wanna be, as a job, you know."
He got pickled. "Oh! Is it cool to say that's to you? I mean, I'm working for you…"
"Yeah, don't worry about it."
"Okay… I didn't want to be a Bodyguard, it was the last thing in my head, but I was forced to because… I have an enormous body shape as you can see and…" he didn't want to continue.
"And my family needs me to support them."
"I understood, but that's also wasn't my question." I looked harsh.
"Yeah, I'm coming to it. My dream was to be a delivery man."
"Like a pizza man?" I asked.
He smiled, "Exactly! Yeah."

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