Maybe She Is The Key

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"So...What should I do?"

"See... I told you..." she spoke to her child and smiled.

She didn't give me attention, "Lady! I'm talking to..."

"And I'm speaking with my son here, at least show me some respect." The crazy mom's accent changed to be offensive.

"Listen to me carefully, I'm going to do what you said to me, but if you keep up with this manner, I swear of god I will..."

"What? You will do what? Dumped me...? Leave me...? Do it...! And show us who you really are; The Arrogant Rich Prince...!"

She succeeded in making me angry; I never thought that I would lift my hand on a lady, that's time was different as she touched a sensitive nerve, I couldn't control my anger, especially when she told me that I inherited those characteristics from my dead father.

I walked to her while she was laying on the bed and tried to slap her; I lifted my hand and I was about to do it, after that, I woke up in Jake's arms.

I had a terrible headache, a pain in my neck and I felt so sick, all that I could remember was Sara's sharp eyes.

I asked Jake "What happened?"

"It looks like the mother here, is not just a mother, she is a fighter."

"A fighter! What do you mean?"

Sara began talking in confidence while doing a massage to her injured leg, "the temple is located on the side of the face between the hair border and the eyebrows at eye level. If you target the temple precisely, it will cause the brain to concuss violently against the skull, causing fainting."

"Oh! She is also a doctor..." Jake showed his admiration.

I whispered in Jake's ears "Bro, I don't have to remind you that you are my bodyguard, so act like that..."

"And you... Why you did that?" I put the ice on my neck which was so harmed.

"Did you ask that question...seriously?"

And she looked at her son "Can you believe this guy?"

"You were going to slap me! It was self-defense..." she raised her voice in anger.

"Well... I'm no violent man but you pushed me to..." I tried to explain my situation.

"Ok, next time, I will take off your head."

We kept silent for five minutes or more; Jake was on his phone, Sara doing massage to herself, I was still trying to wake up because of the hit.

-I can't say that I didn't like Sara; she was different than other women who try to show their femininity. Every one has his taste and how she knocked me out made me like her more. No Judgment!-

"So, you didn't tell me what to do?" I asked her.

"Are you still going to help me?"

"Yeah, I told you that..." I answered.

Weirdly she said like she was surprised, "Okay... For now, I'm in the hospital, in the evening I will call you and we talk."

"Ok... so what is your number?" I asked her.

"Oh! No sorry, I have a boyfriend." She answered me sarcastically with a funny accent.

"Lady, I'm not joking."

"Why are you so serious...?"

She kept going, "...I don't have to tell you, I have Jake's number, I will call him and he will call you."

I was wondering how she could be so funny, angry, arrogant, modest, sad, happy, calm, and scary all at once. The more I spent time with her the more I liked to know her.

As trying to hide my curiosity, "Alright...Goodbye!" I stood up and exited the room.

Jake followed me and gave me a hat and black glasses to hide my face with, "Well..." he said as walking beside me.

"Well, what?"

"You know what I'm talking about,"

I wasn't ready to give my opinion about Sara, "Yeah, yeah...I know what you are talking about."

He noticed that I was in a tough position, "Man! Whatever it is, you know I got your back,"

-I was lucky to have Jake around, because finding someone who gets you, loves you, understands you, protects you, and never lets you down is something we must be thankful for it.-

Jake to me was a brother. And believe me! I'm not a social person or the kind of man who makes friends; I didn't make trust Jake until after many experiences and tests that showed his true essence.

My tough position was that I never opened my heart to a person before, and finding Sara was scary for me as she might be the key to open the closed door in my heart, and Jake was able to see me scared of that; to me, it was a new thing.

"What do you think...?" I asked him, to see what he was thinking.

He wondered, "Me...?" I nodded in agreement.

"It depends..."

"On what?"

"On your heart man, I can't say anything..."

I understood what he was talking about; feelings can't be shared with people especially love.

-See...the feelings are blessing from God to us, this small organ is the most important for the reason that heart can kill you or revive you in two ways:

Literally; and all of us know it is the organ that pumps the blood to all the body, if it stops we will die.

Metaphorical; there is Arabic poetry that says: sometimes love kills.-

Jake continued his speech "... But, I'm just saying, I never meted a woman like her my entire life."

In order to find the love of my life, I needed to not just use my heart, since it would not be sufficient I had to use my brain too, hearing those words from Jake's mouth relieved me and made me smile since I Knew that my mind was doing a good job.

I said "What a day...!" we exited the hospital.

"Yes indeed,"

"Bring us a car and phone Tina, tell her that I want chicken soup for the dinner..." I closed my suit waiting for the car to come.

"...Oh, I remembered, the Rolls-Royce is situated in front of Josh's school, it is 30 minutes far away...I hope they didn't steal it."

"I'm on the way boss!" Jake immediately, ordered one of my cars and began to do his calls.

Suddenly, I heard "The Handsome Prince!" I turned my head to see a little girl standing behind me; it scared me to death and brought bad memories.

What a coincidence, she was the same girl who kicked me between my legs, earlier.

I was horrified, "Jake...Jake..." I called Jake with a low voice.

"Yes, boss!"

"Shush! Take the girl away!" I didn't want to look at her.

"What girl?" he asked.

I took a look to see if she was still there, but I didn't find it so I sighed.

"The Handsome Prince!" all of sudden she said my name again however, this time I found her in front of me.

I jumped backward and started shouting "This girl! This girl! Put her away!"

Jake didn't understand anything but he stood between me and her "Man! She is a little girl!"

In a panic, I shouted again, "Yes! I know! Just, get her away from me!"

He took her away and came back to me in surprise for what I did, "Dude! What was that?" I didn't respond, "... She's just a baby girl"

I answered, "Well you don't know what baby girls can do to your balls..."

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