New Face & New Information

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"Sweetie!" with her radiant face and her shiny smile, Tina; the principal maid; responsible for all castle's workers always knows how to cheer me up. I never treated her like a maid because she never treated me like a stranger. I was like her grandson.

I hugged her back, "Hey! Tina...! How are you doing?"

"I' am fine, get in..." she welcomed—though it was my house, all of us in the castle felt like Tina was the owner, and everyone used to listen to her, even me and Jake.

And she was fighting me many times when she sees me acting bad or doing inappropriate in order to be a good man, or once I exited the house and the atmosphere is cold, she used to run to me and gave me a coat and insisted on wearing it even if I didn't want.

-I remember once, at three and before my mom passed away, I got sick while mom was working in the lab; she stayed all night awake, taking care of me, however, that wasn't all. One moment that night, I hardly opened my eyes to find her holding my hands and crying; it was the moment I opened my heart for Tina and let her in.

I was entering the house gazing at all the fancy furniture; how it was decorated perfectly to be like the middle age centuries, the walls, the floor, and the roof were built traditionally, -it gives a feeling like you are in a church.-

I walked to the kitchen without removing my shoes, "sweetie...!" I looked at her, "yeah?" didn't hear her talking.

"Didn't you hear me?" she asked while looking at me weirdly.

"Sorry, no."

"I was about to ask you how was your day...? But you confused me." she tasted a little of the soup and added more salt while talking to me.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Well... You ordered the chicken soup, and I thought; maybe a good thing happened because you used to eat it on the occasions. Besides that, I don't feel that you are in a good mood... so, I need to know what was going on with you." She looked worried as she was talking, and carefully was choosing her words.

I smiled and thanked God for having someone like her next to me.

"Where should I start; it's complicated," I said coldly.

She came to me and put her hands on my cheeks, "Oh! Sweetheart, nothing is complicated when it faces Tina, so spit it out, sweetie!" Tina was acting as... Tina; a funny, lovely, and arrogant woman.

"I did a car accident..." she interrupted me, "Oh my God...! Did you get hurt," and she began searching in my arms if I had scratches or something?

"I'm fine... I'm fine... Don't worry!" I tried my best to convince her I was alright.

"What about Jake? Is he alright?" she asked in a panic.

"Yes, he is fine... maybe; an accident is a wrong word to describe it... I hit a woman."

Tina's eyes bulged; she passed her hand to her mouth, "Oh... My God!"

Annoyingly, I said, "Why do you always run ahead of events? Let me finish..."

"... I hit a woman with my car, but she had only a broken leg, that's all, and I think..." I narrated the entire story from the beginning as she was cooking the dinner.

-Twenty minutes later-

Tina laughed hilariously, "Did she really say that?" I laughed also loudly, "Yes, she did! Can you believe it...?"

As trying to take control of my laughter, I said, "I... Um, I also was surprised when she told me that there is no difference between me as a billionaire and me as a homeless..." I remembered her and my face has changed.

"What a woman!" Tina, with admiration.

"Yeah, I mean there is no person crazy enough to turn down the money and the maids and the help from a billionaire... but she did." I was still amazed.

"Sweetie," Tina raised my head and continued her speech; "I never saw your eyes this shiny before." I smiled.

"I don't know yet..."

"It's normal to take cautious, however you..."

Unexpectedly, my phone began ringing; it was Jake. When I picked up, he told me that someone is waiting for me in the car outside.

Tina whispered, "Who is this?"

I moved my lips without making a voice, "Jake."

"Who is he?" I asked Jake on the phone.

"I won't tell, and you can't say yet if it's he or she..." -Jake always loves to be mysterious and dark.-

I got a feeling that's she might be Sara, so I exited the kitchen in a dramatic scene as Tina was asking what was going on and me telling her that's nothing was going on.

I left the house whilst wishing to meet Sara; I even was running in the garden.

When I arrived, I found Jake standing out, leaning on the car, "So where is she?" I asked.

"In the car,"

I opened the back seat of the car, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Joshua! What are you doing here?"

He didn't talk, but passed his hand and moved a little to let me sit beside him.

"I know that you're rich..." He said with a scary and innocent accent. -It was the first time I heard that weird combination between scary and innocent; he was unusual.-

"... and you harmed mom..."

I interrupted him, "It wasn't on purpose."

Coldly, he said, "Driving a Rolls-Royce in the middle of the city with a high speed... yeah, that wasn't on purpose."

His actions and the way he spoke were unbelievable; he was ten times bigger than his age, "are sure you are six years old?"

"Anyway, that is not why I'm here... I'm here to tell you that mom needs help, and she can't do anything with her broken leg..."

"Does she know you are here?" I wondered.

"It doesn't matter," he answered instantly.

I felt like I was the kid. "Ok, it doesn't matter then."

"You offered to help her, and I appreciate it. However, my mom is so stubborn, and I know her very well; she doesn't accept any help from others..." he explained.

"Yeah, that's not my problem, plus, I told her I will come and help her personally, so..."

He laughed sarcastically and said, "Did you believe her...? She would call you never!" He shouted in my face.

"Hey! You may be act mature, but you are still a kid, so... Show some respect!"

He sighed, "I'm sorry, I overreacted."

"Apologize accepted."

"I just want her to be happy. She is my mom and all that I have in this world..." he looked so sad.

I felt so pity for him, "What can I do...?"

He showed signs of resourcefulness and cunning with a wide smile, "I have a plan..."

With Aim of LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz