The Human Angel

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He asked, "What did you say?"

I answered, "No, it's nothing... Um, where is the car?"

An orange taxi car appeared in the turn next to the hotel, "Here it is..."Jake said.

"Ok then, see you..." when the taxi car stopped I got in it, and before I closed the door the little girl came back again to tell me "How could the Handsome Prince ride in a taxi, you are a cheater..." she ran into me to hit me; I didn't control myself as I remembered all the pain she caused before, so I screamed, but Jake hold her until I closed the car's door.

"Go, go..." I spoke with the driver.

He started the engine and went, "where to? Sir," he asked.

"To the Capital Street, please."

"Man, I don't mean to offend, but that's street is not built for people like you and me..."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The people who live there are the riches and the high-class, you know what I mean, most of them are millionaires, celebrities and politicians... but you don't look like one of them..."

I felt weird because I was wearing a suit of five hundred thousand dollars, "Is it my look?" I asked in confusion.

He smiled, "No,'s not the look, I can see that your suit is worth thousands, and I can see that's you live there..." he was speaking wisely; it didn't look like he was pretending.

The driver was a white young man in his twenties; he had brown short hair and black eyes, he had no beard, under his celestial nose and above his small lips he had a small mustache, however, there was something about him that I didn't understand because he had a different aura; a peaceful one.

Though he was young, I felt he was very wise.

"So? I don't see what you are hinting at,"

"See...people who lived there are rich, that's not all, most of them are hypocrites, corrupted, bad, and evils, who has the harshest hearts and a dead conscious; they don't care about others, all their interests is money and themselves, that's all..."

While he was speaking and describing, I felt like my heart was getting attacked with knives, he just was telling the truth –As we know; the truth is so painful. Frederic Nietzsche said once "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed", my illusion was that I always believed that I was good, and my father was the bad one, though I accepted all of his corrupted money without any worries.-

My face changed to yellow, and I didn't find anything to say, so I just kept listening to him as he continued his speech, "You are not like them... You are different..." It was like he was able to read my mind, he surprised me, "How is that?" I asked.

He was silent for a while as he was holding the wheel driving, and then said, "... Acts are judged by what we meant to accomplish through them." It was like thunder hit me.

-My mother died when I was three years old; she had lung cancer, my dad told me that she was a smoker, and she used to work as a chemist in the company's factory.

I remembered my mom very well, she was the active kind, she used to smile and joke all the time, she was so lovely woman who had the purest heart I've ever seen in my life, my mom wasn't the type who gets embarrassed, she was so honest; if someone harmed her or did something bad to her, she would go to him directly, face him and cure her boil but after that, she totally forgets what he did and returns to normal, mom never hated anyone or grudged on anyone.-

What the driver told me was an Arabic Muslim quote that my mom always said to me, hearing it again brought the memories to my head and the tears to my eyes; I didn't control myself and began crying.

When he noticed that I was crying, he smiled and continued, "Brother, I didn't mean to hurt you, but the truth is still the truth and you, my friend... have the purest heart I've ever seen in my life...and that is a blessing you should thank God for it."

-The man was unbelievable, His words penetrated directly to my heart, and I'm sure that if someone else told me the same words it would never carry the same effect.-

The tears were falling; then he looked at me and said, "are you going to thank God?"

I nodded with my head in agreement and said, "Yes, I will".

He asked, "How?"

I looked at him in wonder, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, words are not enough, you have to support it with actions."

I kept thinking for a while about what he said to me; without talking.

"Ok sir, we reached our destination." After we arrived at Capital Street, he stopped the car.

"Thank you," I answered while looking at him.

He looked back at me; and said, "I wish you to live the best life,"

I've never been surprised that much, he really affected me, I stared into his bright eyes and his shiny face "Thanks," I said.

"Take care of yourself!" He said and turned around.

I wished I didn't take my eyes off him, but he needed to work, so I got out of the car.

Before he went I remembered that he didn't get paid, I called him with a loud voice "Hey!" and ran to him.

He opened the car window and said, "Yes, sir..."

"You didn't get paid," I gave him the money.

"Sir, I can't take the money, I know that you are the president of this company and the owner of this car, so..." while smiling.

He never stopped surprising me, "Wait! Did you recognize me?"

"Sir, yes sir!" he responded.

I laughed a little and said, "But I didn't recognize you, what's your name?"

He started the car engine and said before he sped off, "You don't have to know... Take care, sir!"

-I was in shock, after the case of the weirdest woman ever Sara, I meted a mentalist or an angel; I don't know.-

Immediately, I decided to go to the house and ask for all the drivers in the MAXI Company; the taxi company I owned, because after that meeting with him, I wished he never left.

After two steps I received a call from anonymous, when I picked up I heard the driver's voice, "Hello sir, I'm just calling to tell you that you got to thank your God in silence, God loves who work secretly."

He said that and hanged up, I understood the message, it was a little weird, but it carried many hints, dangerous hints.

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