Solve One Problem, Another Appears

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"You better be careful of, I have some skills, you know," I said in confidence, but I literally put my dignity in the mud; because of a little girl who came behind me and crashed my balls with her tiny leg and said, "You know you deserved it."

I fell to the ground, rolling, they began laughing at me, and I gathered myself and stood up again.

Seriously! How lucky I was! She didn't leave yet and returned to give me another KiB; Kick in the balls.

I wanted to scream but I couldn't, because she was a little girl, plus even if I wanted to I couldn't "You slut!" so I whispered.

-I began wondering; what I did to deserve this, I remembered the woman who I broke her leg, all I can say is that I saw the justice of God immediately, broken legs means broken eggs...-

All the people weren't able to control themselves of laughing, I stood up again but this time I was taking caution, I took the fighting position with a deep breath, prepared myself, and I counted 3...2...1... I ran between the students directly and screamed with all that I could "Joshua!" and he turned around to see me running at him, he got so scared and the people there were chasing me, I took him in my hands and went as fast as I could.

-I'm not a fool to fight four men at once; else, I always had been a runner even that I was going to the Olympiad if dad didn't stop me "God forgive you, dad, RIP".-

Like I said they had no chance to catch although the kid was struggling in my hands.

I got on the tramway and left them behind; the kid began screaming and he got people's attention so I showed him the picture of his mom and told him that she wanted me to bring him to her.

I called Jake and asked him where are they, he told me that the woman was in the surgery room and she will go out soon.

The boy relaxed a little when he saw his mom's picture, in the next station, we took a Taxi and the direction was the hospital.

After twenty minutes we arrived; the hospital was so big, I could be lost there, he contained many blocks which formed a circle, and in the middle, there was a beautiful garden with the long tree, and the seats were surrounding the place; it was a great place for the patients to relax.

I bought snacks for Josh and I told him to sit and wait here for a minute in that garden.

I ran to the surgery room, where everything was great; the person who put the hospital's plans was the best for sure, even the walls were painted green and blue, also, there were trees everywhere drawn on the walls.

-Seriously! It was the surgery block; it was supposed to be terrifying and painted all white, but, no, they used those colors and pictures intentionally, to take into account the psychology of the patient.

I called Jake "Hey, Jake!"

"Hey, Boss."

"So, tell me where you are?"

In a freighting accent he said "Boss, she is dying,"

"Dying! What do you mean by dying?" I panicked.

"That's the truth, boss"

"How she could possibly die because of a broken leg!"

"I'm sorry boss,"

"Where are you?"

"We are in the surgery block *C* room number 102"

I ran to that number with my entire thought heading to Josh and who's going to take care of him.

As I entered the room, I found Jake sitting next to her and she was laying on the bed with her eyes closed, I never see Jake this sad before, he looked at me when I entered, he stood up while trying to hide his tears; he was indeed a bodyguard but he was too soft-hearted especially when it comes to mothers.

In small steps I walked to her slowly as looking at her shiny face, and the picture of Joshua was in my head, "Jake, can you please go and bring her son, he is waiting on the first floor" he didn't talk exited the room.

I stared at her for a long time before she jumped at me and shouted "AAAAH....!"

I nearly pie in my pant, and ran away from her, "Doc! She is talking, Jake...!" I exited the room searching for somebody, however, Jake stilled there; he stopped me, pushed me back.

And he...began laughing I didn't expect that, I turned my head to see the mom laughing too.

They did a high five "I gotch you! HAHAHA..." both of them were hilariously laughing out loud.

I couldn't get pissed off; I got so happy that I began jumping of happiness since I knew that she didn't die, without consciousness, I hugged Jake and hugged her also.

She felt weird a little weird, but she didn't ruin my joy until I noticed "Hmm...I'm sorry" embarrassed I said.

"It's ok" as smiling she said.

"You get me, man, you really did..." I talked to Jake while patting his shoulder.

"Don't look at me man, it was her idea,"

"What? It was your idea...!" I asked her.

She nodded affirmatively.

"Girl...! I have to say, you are a master, Wow!" I was impressed.

"She passed us, man..." I spoke with Jake.

"Yes she did, yes she did..." he couldn't agree more.

"I totally forgot about your leg, are you alright?"

She showed me her leg and the splint on it "It's not that bad..."

"Yeah, I have told you that..." I checked her leg harm.

"Anyway, thank you for taking care of me..."

"Oh! You don't have to thank..." I thought she was talking to me, but she interrupted me and gave me those sharp looks "Jake, thank you...Jake"

"What about me?" I wondered.

"You...! What you did is broking my leg, hid for two hours, and showed up again like it was nothing." She shouted.

How she could change the air was impressive, she was too moody; I mean before a second she was laughing, and then...

"Hide! I went to get your son." I answered.

"My son...where is he?"

-Because of the silly joke and all that, I forgot to bring her son back.-

"Don't worry, he is waiting downstairs...Jake, can you please go and get him?"

Her features had changed, and she got stressed, "Why are you so worried...? He will come in a minute".

"It's not that..." she said.

"So, what is the problem?"

"He suffered from...poor focus" the moment she said that Jake came in a rush "Boss, I didn't find him..."

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