Chapter 12

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Julia's P.O.V

We go in different directions after listening to a few songs. I head to the food stall to put the tray of sandwiches away. On my way back to my tent, I bump into Tamia and Kylie.

"You called us losers, remember?" Kylie said taking a few steps closer to me.

"You don't respect us, do you?" Tamia added, also taking a few steps closer to me.

"I'm not here to fight. I just came to earn money and have fun with my campers." I said, trying to walk past them.

Tamia grabs me by my hair and pushes me to the ground. I slowly stand up and wipe the dust off me.

"You will pay for disrespecting us." she said, pulling me by my arm in the direction of the lake. "Today, you will drink that water." she added.

"Tamia, let me go." I said quietly.

"No, we won't." Kylie said, and they pushed my into the water, made sure that I don't get out.

I won't cry, I refuse to.

I remember when I was 4 years old, and my mom put me in ice cold water for an hour. It was freezing cold, and I cried, begged her to take me out. She refused. Looked at me and laughed. She punished me just because I didn't clean the house properly.

Tamia and Kylie threw mud and leaves into my face. I tried to fight back, but I couldn't, it's two against one.

"Help!" I said over and over.

My voice grew weary. I stopped, stopped screaming, stopped fighting and they left me in the cold lake. Left me feeling cold.

I step out of the lake, body shivering, feet trembling.

Aaron runs over to me and asked, "what happened? Are you okay?"

I don't respond. He takes off his sweater and puts it over my shoulders.

"I heard you screaming. What happened? Who did this to you?" he asked me. His voice sounds so genuine, full of concern.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I said to him, taking off his sweater and walking past him.

"You will be fine, yes. But right now, you are not fine." he said, walking behind me and putting the sweater on my shoulders again. "Let me help you. Look at you, you're even shivering."

"Just... There's nothing you can do Aaron." I said, eyes watery.

"Just let me take you to my tent. You helped me with my wound, so let me help you." he pleaded.

I don't respond, so he takes that as a 'yes'. He puts his arm around my shoulders and walks me over to his tent.

"You're going to have to change into something before you catch a cold. I'll go get your pyjamas for you." he offered.

He leaves his tents and heads over to mine. He comes back moments later and hands me my pyjamas.

"I'll be outside, so change quickly." he said.

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