Chapter 28

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Julia's P.O.V

"Aaron came to Sandra's house yesterday and he apologized for being rude on Monday. And he then kissed me, again." I told Leah with a smile.

"Did he say why he was ignoring you?" she asked.

"He just said that he had alot on his mind."

"Okay, anyways let's go get some burgers before they tell us that they've run out of them." she said.

Okay... Expected her to be happy for me. I mean, I just told her that the golden boy was at my house, and he kissed me again. And all she can say is "okay"?

We stand in the line and by the time we arrive at the counter and ask for burgers, the lady says that they've run out of them.

"We never get what we want." Leah complained to me.

"Will a sandwich be fine?" the lady asked politely.

"Yeah." I replied with a grin.

We leave the counter and Aaron calls me. I look at him, and Chad calls me too. I walk towards their table with Leah by my side and we greet them.

"Join us, we have burgers." Aaron smiled.

"Thanks for the burgers." Leah said, taking two for herself and placing them on her tray. "But, I have a painting that I need to finish, so I'll pass." she said with a slight grin. "Leah, by the way." she introduced herself with a polite grin.

"Aaron." he replied politely.

"I'll see you after school girl." she smiled, placing a light kiss on my forehead and thereafter left the cafeteria.

"Sit down and have some burger." he said.

"No uhm, it's fine. I'll sit outside." I said, turning my back towards them and start walking.

Moments later, he grabs me by my waist and gently pulls me towards his muscular body.

Everyone stares at us.

Too many eyes.

"Sit down and have some burger." he said again, softly this time.

"I'm used to sitting outside." I replied, gently pushing him away from me to avoid this much attention.

"I'm not letting you go unless you say yes." He replied, still cupping my body in his arms.

"Fine, fine." I whisper-yelled. "I'll sit with you guys, but only for today." I said to him, and he removes his hands from my waist.

"We'll see about that." he smirked, placing his arm around my shoulders. He pulls a chair for me so that I can sit and I give him a look that he knows very well. He pushes the chair back underneath the table and I pull it for myself and sit down. He takes the seat next to mine and sits down.

I take a burger for myself and open the juice box that the lady gave me.

"Your friend, Leah? Is she new or has she always been here?" Aaron asked.

"She came here a month ago." I replied and thereafter took a bite of the burger. "Why do you guys have so many burgers when none of you eat this junk?" I asked them.

"She always places food for us on the table a few minutes before lunch." Chad replies, referring to the lady behind the counters.

"Waste." I muttered.

"And then? What the hell is she doing here?" Britney asked when she arrived with two of her friends.

"We asked her to join us." Aaron replied.

"Wow, unbelievable." she rolled her eyes. "Well, sweetie. You're sitting in my seat, move." she rudely said.

"I told her to sit here, you can sit next to her." she said, pointing at one of her friends.

"Ronnie, I told you that it's Bella." the girl flirted whilst pulling her shirt down so that she can show off her cleavage.

"And I told you that it's Aaron." he said to her.

"Eww, don't ever do that. You look desperate." Britney said to her whilst looking at her in disgust. She fixes her shirt and takes a sip from her juice box.

"Sorry." she mumbled sheepishly.

"Aaron, you could've at least told us that we have a guest." she said. "She's even sitting on my chair."

"She'll be sitting with us from now on." he said. "And for your chair, I'm sorry. But I already placed her here." he said to her.

"It's fine, I'll move and sit next to Bella." I said to them whilst standing up.

"Eww, hell no." Bella said.

"You aren't going anywhere." he said to me, pulling me by my hand. "Sit down." he ordered and I do that. "B, please." he said to her.

"Fine, only because you asked." Britney replied, sitting next to her friend. "You know, it would have been much better if you asked her friend to sit with us instead of her." she said.

"Come on B, don't be so rude." Chad said.

"I'm just being honest. Her friend looks like the type of people that I would be friends with. She is fashion-conscious, pretty and she has a nice petite body. As for her, she is the total opposite." she uttered.

"Britney, enough." Chad said.

"Truth hurts, I know." she smiled. "And besides, since when do you and Aaron go for nerds. You go for people like us, like her friend. Cheerleaders. Not nerds wearing a trouser suit." she said, referring to what I was wearing.

"Well, this trouser suit looks nice on her." Aaron said.

"Do you even know why she's wearing it?" she asked. "You don't know, but I'll tell you." she smiled. "She's trying to hide that 6 000 pound body of hers. And she clearly is hiding it because we can't really see all those saggy arms and big thighs that I saw when she was wearing a bikini." she continued.

True, I am wearing this trouser suit to hide my body. But she's lying about one thing; I don't weigh 6 000 pounds, I weigh 150 pounds.

Am I really that fat?

I abruptly stand up and walk towards the door.

"I always get what I want." she chuckled.


I'm sorry if there's anyone that I offended by mentioning the body shaming part. It really wasn't my intention. 

And, to answer your question Julia, you are not fat. It doesn't matter what Britney says, love your body all the time!

To people like Britney, please change your ways, and STOP BODY SHAMING!

Anyhooo, thanks for reading, voting and commenting. I appreciate you all <3

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