Chapter 29

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Aaron's P.O.V

"Really B? Did you really have to go there?" Chad asked her.

"I'm just being honest." she said, biting a french fry. "Eww, why am I eating this?" she said, throwing it on the table.

"Just keep your comments to yourself if it's nothing good." Chad said to her.

"I can't control my mouth." she said and the two girls laugh afterwards.

"You have to go and check up on her." Chad said to me.

"Do I have to?" I asked her.

"Yes. If you want to accomplish whatever mission that you're on, then you'll have to go now." he said.

"Fine." I mumbled.

"I knew it. I knew that you two were up to no good. I mean Aaron and that girl, that's like mixing oil with water." she said. "So tell me Chad, what are you two planning?"

"I'm not part of this, ask him." Chad said to her.

"Aaron?" she said to me.

"Don't worry about it." I winked at her. "Just don't say anything to her."

"My mouth is sealed. I mean, I do want to see a tear drop on her cheek." she giggled.

"Good." I replied. I stand up and she spanks my butt as I walk past her. "Weirdo." I chuckled and thereafter leave the cafeteria.

I walk to the bench where she normally sits and she has her ear pods in. I wave at her and she just looks at me.

"Take them out." I mouthed, referring to the ear pods.

She slowly takes them out and mumbles, "what do you want?"

"You really do like this spot and your music." I smiled.

"Alot." she replied with a slight grin.

"Don't let Britney make you feel bad. She sometimes doesn't mean the things she says." I said to her, trying to sound sincere.

"But it's true." she mumbled, not looking at me.

"Tell me, what exactly is true?" I asked her whilst sitting next to her.

"The whole weight and clothes stuff."

"So you're telling me that you're wearing this trouser suit because you're trying to hide that perfect body of yours?" I asked her.

"There's no perfect body underneath this." she chuckled. "You're just saying this because you're trying to be nice Aaron."

"No, I'm telling you the truth." I said. "Yes, you don't have a petite body like B's, but it doesn't mean you're fat." I continued. "Don't wear this just because you're trying to hide something, wear it because you like it." I said, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Honestly, I kind of like it." I smiled. "Yes, I like Britney and Leah's clothes more than my own, but I could never wear such clothes, unless I don't really have a choice. Just like on Monday."

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