Chapter 43

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Julia's P.O.V

"I don't mean to be rude, ungrateful or anything but uhm... why are you helping me out? Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?" I asked Britney on our way to the mall.

"You're Aaron's girlfriend – and he's my friend – that automatically makes you a part of our group. So, me hating you or being mean to you for no reason is just not working." she explained with no emotion.

"Okay... I honestly thought that you were jealous of my relationship with him." I chuckled.

"Me? Jealous? No sweetie, jealousy doesn't suit me." she chuckled back. "I don't even date." she said and thereafter shrugged.

"Is it some sort of code that you guys live by, because Aaron did say that he hasn't dated anyone before me?" I asked out of curiosity.

"It's not a code." she chuckled. "But we all didn't see the use of dating when you eventually end up breaking up with that person." she shrugged again. "But since Aaron has you, maybe he's willing to let go of that mentality. As for me, I'm good. I'll stick to just hanging out with a few guys." she said and thereafter gave me a small grin.

"I hear you." I smiled back and we continue talking about other random things.

A few minutes later, she lets me know that Aaron and Chad are waiting for us at Starbucks. We park the car and walk over there. I greet both of them with amiable grins and Britney tells us about this "amazing" store that sells the best clothes. We walk towards it and it really does look like it sells amazing clothes.

"I don't know if you guys want to help us look for something that she can wear tomorrow, or do you guys just want to walk around?" Britney asked them.

"We'll come with you guys." Aaron said.

"I think that we shouldn't, because that way you'll be mesmerized when you see her tomorrow." Chad smirked.

"I don't think I'm going to look that good." I scoffed at his remark.

"You are in Britney's hands. Thee Britney Looks that specializes in looks. So trust me when I say that you are going to look that good." he smiled.

"I love it when you guys give me so much credit." Britney smiled and I chuckled back in response.

"Okay, uhm. You guys can just walk around, Britney and I will do the shopping. Once we're done, we'll let you guys know." I said.

"Cool." Chad said and they both walk away.

"So, skirts or pants?" she asked whilst looking at me up and down, not in a rude way though.

"Uhm, pants." I replied.

"Rhetorical question." she said.

"Oh, sorry." I replied sheepishly.

"I think we should go with a skirt. Let's just go and try out a few outfits." she said, leading me in the skirts section. "What size are you?" she asked me.

Honestly speaking, I've always hated that question. I feel so embarrassed to answer it because my answer is always way above others' answers. That is one of the reasons why I hate shopping with others. I prefer doing it on my own, that way no one will ask me about my size.

"Hello? Earth to Julia. You okay?" she asked whilst waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry... Yeah, I'm okay." I said reassuringly.

"Good." she replied. "Size?" she asked again, and this time it sounded a bit louder than the first time when she asked me.

"30. I'm a 30." I replied.

"Okay, let's just look at these colours." she said, taking a few random skirts. "Try these on." she said, putting them in my arms.

I walk to the dressing room to try all of them on. I get out to show her after wearing each skirt.

"They look big, honestly. Let's just try size 28. And, you look better with dark colours." she said, putting them back on the hangers and getting darker ones.

She gives them to me and I try all of them on, and we finally make a decision. We call Aaron and Chad to let them know that we are done, and once they all arrive, we go to Starbucks to have a few cups of coffee.

"May I see what you guys bought?" Aaron asked.

"No." Britney and I replied simultaneously.

"Why?" he whined.

"Z." she replied, and Chad and I let out small chuckles. "Just know that we bought 4 items." she smirked.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?"

"Uh, duh." she replied.

We finish drinking our coffees and we decide that I'll drive with Aaron in his car, and Chad will go with Britney in her car.

"So, did you enjoy your quality time with B?" he asked me after starting the car.

"Yep. Honestly, the more I get to know her, the more I realize that she's not really a bad person." I said with a slight grin.

"Yeah, that's how she is. She seems like a tough cookie that's hard to crack, but she's actually a cookie crumble." he said.

"Cookie crumble?" I repeated after him, letting out a small chuckle.

"Yeah, Chad used to call her that." he chuckled back. "Did she say or ask anything unusual?" he asked after a few moments of silence.

"Uhm, no. Why?" I asked out of confusion.

"No, just asking."



Two more chapters to go!

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