Meeting each other

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Clint was wearing a nice tuxedo, to blend in. He watched carefully all the people. All of them wear winter clothes. He was the one idiot in a tuxedo in winter time in Hungary! He wished he packed a coat, but he didn't expected to be this cold. No one looked suspicious. That's why he went to seat at the balcony sitting. From there he could see all better. The show started. Still, nothing weird. He looked at the ballerinas. All of them were old, like Maria, Clint observed. Except for one redhead.She looked young. She couldn't be the famous Black Widow. The hair matched, but she was too young. The deadly Widow must be thirty and something, like Maria,judging by her skills and experience. And even if the hair matched, the Black Widow could have dyed her hair and he must be prepared for everything.
After 40 minutes, nothing happened. Clint was bored. He couldn't believe SHIELD made him listen for almost an hour classical music and watch ballet. He almost preyed for something to happen. Where was Abraham Lincoln when you needed him!? He wondered if the information was correct. He looked at the ballerinas. Suddenly, something shinny caught his eyes. A gun. The young ballerina had a gun!
He took his bow and arrows which were hid in his suit and shot. The arrow hit the girl in her right hand, making her to miss her target and drop it.Chaos exploded in the room. The ballerina looked at him, then started running. Hawkeye followed. He couldn't believe the redhead was the famous Black Widow. He went after her outside. He looked on the street. Nothing. Clint went on the roofs, where he could see better. There he saw a ballerina running. Clint smiled. There she was!The girl was smart. Not a lot of people would go on the roofs. But she was the Black Widow. She must be smart. Otherwise, she wouldn't have killed 28 agents. He prepared his arrow to shot. He looked at the young girl. She had a whole life ahead of her. But a mission was a mission. When he looked again, she was gone. Focus, Clint! Focus!
"Это лучшее, что они могли прислать? Или у них закончились агенты? ( Is this the best they could send?Or are they out of agents?)" spoke a voice from behind him. He could feel the gun pointed at his head. How many arms did this girl have? She was wearing a tutu!
"Sorry, but i don't understand. Can you speak English? I don't speak what the fuck language you speak." Clint tried to sweep her legs, but she jumped and hit him with her foot in the face. Now she was close to him. Now Clint could  she was even younger than him.
"How old are you?Do you speak English? "
She started to fire and Clint ducked behind a vent. He started to shot too, but not fatal. Not that he could if he wanted. She was good. Dodging every arrow he shot. For the first time in his life, he missed. And continued to miss. This girl made him miss his target.
When he saw she ran out of ammo, he looked at his quiver. Just one arrow. He sighted. He didn't want to kill her. He was the same age when he was at the circus. He did some trouble too and SHIELD saw him. He will never forget the day when Coulson came and gave him another chance,while the other criminals from the circus went to jail for their crimes. And then, Coulson became his, how Clint liked to say, "babysitter". It's his time to give someone a second chance? Would she accept it?He really had a death wish. He could already hear Fury's lecture.
"Do you want to talk?" this was the 10th stupid thing he did. She continued to run. Hawkeye aimed his last arrow at her hand. She would stop and she wont fight with an injured arm. He shot. Just in that moment she looked back at him and he hoped she wouldn't move or the arrow would hit her in the head. Hawkeye's eyes were wide with shock. She caught his arrow in her hand!Who was her? She was so good. She ruined his career in only 1 hour!
"How did you do that?"
"Are you even working for SHIELD?"
"So you speak English! How do you know I'm SHIELD?"
"It's not hard to guess. They are hunting me for weeks." she said and left, leaving a shocked archer on the roof.
"She took my arrow! I loved that arrow!"

            𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖 :)

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