Do you want to join SHIELD ?

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Natasha felt something soft beneath her. She wasn't dead. She opened her eyes slowly, still feeling the effect of the substance. She looked around. A hotel room. Why was she in a hotel room and not 6 feet underground. A delicious smell filled her nostrils.Her stomach growled. She was hungry. For how long was she out? Where was she?
Natalia walked around the room, searching for a weapon. Then she saw she was  still wearing her gala dress. She still had her weapons!
One door opened and Natalia throw her knife in that direction, missing Clint's face by 1 cm.
"Whoa! I get it. Not a morning person. I thought you would like
some breakfast." Clint put the tray with food on the bed and stepping back to show Natalia that he is not going to hurt her. She looked confused at the food and then at him.
"I know, it's a miracle i didn't burned the kitchen!"
She took another knife from her dress.
"You don't need a knife to eat an bacon omelete."
"Where I am?"
"First, stop looking at me like that. You could kill with that look. Second, you are in my hotel room."
"Why what?"
"Why i am still alive?"
"I told you. I want you to join SHIELD."
"Какие? (What? )"
"Sorry, i still don't understand the language, but if you say that I'm crazy, that's right. So what do you say?"
"I say that you are the most stupid agent SHIELD ever send after me. Did you hear what you just say ?"
"Yes. Don't you want to -"
His sentence was cut by a gunshot  mixed with broken  glass  sound. He and Natasha went down for cover in no time. He looked  at her face, her eyes wide.
"So that's was your plan. Trick me? Why didn't you killed me-"
"Shut up! I am alone in this mission. Not one of my friends. And that bullet was closer to my head than yours!One of your friends? "
"No. I was sent alone because I'm the best."
"Don't forget so humble."
Another round of bullets came. Clint didn't need another second to think and crouched to take his bow and arrows. He gets up and fires an arrow, hitting the brunette girl in the arm. Natalia gets up too and looks.
"Sophia? B-but.."
Clint takes her by her hand and ran outside the hotel.
"Let me guess. Friend of yours?"
She yanked her hand back and took out her gun.
Clint put his hands up in surrender.
"Then... i guess... you are free to work for SHIELD?" he said smiling.
"How can you smile in a situation like this one? You're insane! "
"Thank you! That's my charm."
He shots an arrow in her direction and she dodge it. To her surprise, he hit Sophia in the hand, making her to drop her gun.
"Come on! Let's go!"
Both of them are running, Clint in front.
"Where are we going?"
"Away from the crazy woman with a gun.... the brunette one. " He smirked at Natasha and she shot daggers with her eyes in response.
"You are the crazy one. I am your mission. You should have killed me!And what do you do instead? You try to recruit me? You will be punished!And in the end i will be dead. You are an idiot."
"Look, um... Natasha? I will not be punished. Fury and Phil will just give me a lecture. It's kinda my thing to break the rules.. so no big deal. And i want to recruit you because i think you can do better. Don't you want to be better?"
"I am the best -"
"No that bullshit! I mean-Do you want to work for someone that will leave you behind and replace you the second you fail the mission?Maybe i am an idiot, but i know that at SHIELD we take care of our own. And your agency already replaced you with that Shopia. So, what do you say?"Clint stopped running and looked in her green eyes,searching for a reaction on her face.
" Why are we are at a train station? "
Clint was disappointed that she dodged the question.
" We have to get far away from your friend, so... wheels are faster than feet."
Natasha saw Sophia in the crowd of people and started fire.
"What are you doing?"
"Sohia is coming."
"First SHIELD rule:Don't put civilians in harm's way, only if there is no other way."
"First survival rule: Do everything you can to not die."
"There comes a train. Come on, old lady, run!"
"How did you call me?"
Clint and Natalia were running to catch the coming train. Sophia was after them, Natalia's red hair giving her  position away. She pointed her gun at Natalia's head, but the blond man pushed her inside the train, her bullet smashing the glass of the door. She wanted to jump on the train when a policeman caught her by her arm.
"Miss, i think-"
His sentence was interrupted by a gun and Sophia took the advantage and disappeared. On the roof of the station, she saw Ivan.
"Наталья сбежала. Она была с мужчиной. Американец. Я думаю, она была скомпрометирована.(Natalia escaped. She was with a man. American. I think she was compromised.  )" she said.
"Не волнуйся. Мадам все равно хотела ее смерти, она пропустила миссию 2 раза. Ни у кого нет двух шансов. Теперь у нас есть больше причин забрать ее домой в сумке для трупов.  (Do not worry. Madame wanted her dead anyway, she missed the mission 2 times. No one has two chances. We now have more reasons to take her home in a body bag.) "
" Могу я убить американца? (Can i kill the American? ) "
" Нет. Он заплатит, потому что скомпрометировал мою маленькую девочку. Он весь мой.
(No. He will pay because he compromised my little girl. He is all mine. ) "

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