Behind closed doors

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Fury was furious on Clint Barton.He disobeyed orders before,but this time was something else. He brought the enemy inside. The Black Widow killed a lot of good SHIELD agents. But, he decided to trust Clint's judgment. It was something that he liked about the girl. Her courage. The girl was surrounded by SHIELD agents and she started to talk with full sarcasm on.Not a lot of people talked with him like that.No one called him<stupid> until her.

He told the guard to open the door. Fury stepped inside and took a seat on the other side of the table.

"Black Widow. How do i know you really want to join SHIELD ? "

Fury could see the girl thinking of a reason.

"I stayed." she simply said.

"You stayed?"

"I could have left, but i waited here."

"This is a high-" he stopped when Natalia showed him her free hands and the cuffs on the table.

"I stayed." she stated .

"How do i know i can trust you and this is not a trick?"

The girl looked in his face.

"You can't."

"You know that is not a good answer for you. I could send you to be shot."

"Not a good answer, but the truth. I can't tell you that you can trust me because that means nothing to you. Just words.I can't tell you that this is not a plan to take SHIELD down from the inside because you won't believe me without proof and i really don't know if i can obtain some kind of proof or if it exist. If i tell you that because of Barton i failed my mission to kill Sándor and the Red Room wants me dead... i don't think that's proof enough for you. "

" And why would be that, Black Widow? "

" Because you work for a secret agency. Like you would believe me if i told you that. You would doubt everything i say because I am the Black Widow. "

Fury knew she had a point. " What can you offer us if i give you the chance to work for us? "

" Firstly, you are not the one to give me a chance. Agent Barton was. If it was after you, i would be in the ground. I think my skills are an excellent reason. Remember i managed to kill some of your agents. "

" Some? You killed 28 agents! Good agents, good people. This interogation doesn't look to good for you. "

Natalia smiled. " Pfft. Good agents? "

" What's so funny? You didn't even know them! Some of them were young, some of them had families! You didn't care when you killed them!And you laugh? "

" I touched a nerve. Don't lose control. I can use that in my advantage. Never in an interogation you are not allowed to show that it affected you. "

Fury was surprised by the answer. He didn't expect him to be affected by that or that the Black Widow will give him an advice. He sent all those agents to hunt her. He felt guilty for their death.He had to call their families to tell them. Fury returned to his blank face quickly .

" And i wasn't laughing about their death. I was laughing about what you said."

"What's so funny in what i said, Black Widow?"

"You asked me if i cared about the agents that I killed.But when you send those agents to kill me....did you care?"

"You were killing innocent people! "

"I was following my orders. And no one is really innocent .But you didn't care if i died. I was a good agent for the Red Room too. Why should I care about your agents death?They and me are the same. "

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