Chapter 11: Songs and revelry

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*After a lot of deep thought and popular demand from you all, I have finally come up with a chapter idea to introduce my version of what is to transpire in this book after the movie.  It will of course still focus on (Y/n) and Amelia but as for now (Y/n) is going to mull over something important instead of celebrating like everyone in the rebuilt inn at the end of the movie.

Here we go*

(Y/n) watched with a soft smile as everyone celebrated the restoration of Jim's mother's inn everyone sang shanties and hummed tunes in broken chorus, (Y/n) would have joined in on the festivities especially the shanty singing but something had been festering in the head.

Did this mean she was his? Romantically? Or was he just overthinking it and she was not ready for that yet?

He could not tell if he was simply oblivious or stupid.

He was mostly leaning towards the latter rather than the former.

(Y/n) kept himself away from the celebration hiding in the corner of the room shadowed by the people who did not notice him, too occupied by dancing singing, and drinking.

(Y/n) had his arms crossed over his chest a frown on his face his brows furrowed in concentration as he stared at the hardwood floor.

Suddenly one of his favorite songs started up from the shantymen being sung both perfectly and imperfectly at the same time.

It brought a smile back on his face as he lightly tapped his boot along to the beat. He scanned the room out of boredom and watched couples dance together.

(Y/n) wondered if Amelia had been wanting him to dance with her. He hoped so, he wished to ask about the kiss and what it had meant to her.

 He knew that in some alien cultures a kiss meant many different things, such as a way of greeting or thanks and of course love.

He truly wondered if it was a show of thanks for his attempt at protecting her from the implosion of Treasure Planet which in the end was unnecessary considering they had just escaped the blast by a hair.

Then, surprisingly, she had given him a kiss for his effort in protecting his dear Captain. 

Which really begged the question was it a show of thanks, celebration, or did it actually mean more?

It was truly hard to tell, Captain Amelia Smollett was quite the enigma of a person, her actions were that of a seasoned Captain. Always calculated, every action made with purpose and forethought none ever wasted.

Which greatly made (Y/n) ponder her actions during that hair-raising moment, when both their lives could have ended if they had been just a bit slower. Was she acting on true undeniable feelings at that moment?

(Y/n)'s thoughts were interrupted when two officers entered the inn halting all celebrations until Jim stepped in after them wearing a new colonial suit in pride.

(Y/n) smiled warmly as he watched Morph change into a shining medal and pin himself to Jim's chest a perfect replica of the Flagship captain's pin a very high honor.

Everyone cheered their praises and joy as he stepped in a smile on his face the music picked up again continuing the song where they left off.

However, this time, a new voice sang along to (Y/n)'s favorite song her voice rising to the chorus easily.

(Y/n) jerked his head toward the shantymen, he knew that voice...

"Oh Harry, dearest Harry, mind well what I do say. My feet they are so tender and I cannot march away."

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