Chapter 13: An Able Crew

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*Here we go! the next adventure awaits everyone! Who's ready to have the adventure of a lifetime? There shall be doubts, love, pain, death, and much drama! If that sounds like your cup of tea Join these two sailors on board the RLS Legacy in their newest journey!

The song I listened to while writing this was called Bang! By: AJR this song serves no purpose to the story either than the fact that I like the song while I write and I gifted it so that you all may listen to it if you want.*

Ah, Montressor spaceport. It was the place to find anything you needed, a tankard? There were plenty of taverns. Ship Cargo you have to sell? the number of harbourmasters was plentiful always willing to make a sale.

But that was not the reason Amelia was here. Though she suspected her dear (Y/n) would not mind a tankard at the moment, the man loved his rum.

But they had business to sort out first.

Amelia led the two through the bustling streets of the Spaceport ignoring the pushy salesmen trying to get her attention for one of their newest (and probably useless.) products that could supposedly benefit her life.

She already had all that she needed in her opinion.

As long as (Y/n) was by her side she was content with her lot in life.

Which made her wonder, was (Y/n) just as content as her?

She knew the man's whole purpose aboard her ship during their journey together was to find the loot of a thousand worlds and get rich, he had outright told her this during their shared dinner along the journey (The one she preferred to think of like a date.)

Which begged the question did he still pursue that fantasy that so many sailors also sought? Or did he find satisfaction in simply being by her side?

The thought worried Amelia greatly if that was the case would he abandon her for his greed if the situation came to it? 

No, No she was just being asinine.

(Y/n) would never do that, she knew that the man had fought off a group of pirates just to protect her even if he did lose.

Amelia glanced behind her at her lover expecting him to be right behind her only to find him not there.

Amelia blinked in surprise the scowled.

Never mind, he was still an idiot.

Amelia scanned the crowd for (Y/n) with irritation evident on her face but found it difficult considering (Y/n) would be one of the few Humans among the crowd of Aliens.

"Amelia!" A voice shouted from behind her.

Reflex kicked in fast, and she drew her pistol from inside her coat and spun around intending to pistol whip the attacker.

"Woah!" (Y/n) exclaimed as his reflexes also kicked in and he ducked the blunt end of her pistol feeling it soar past above him.

Amelia's fight or flight instinct received away and in turn, was replaced by angered worry.

"(Y/n)! Do not ever do that again! I could have killed you." Amelia said as she tucked her pistol back into her coat.

(Y/n) chuckled as Amelia looked him over in worry hoping she had not injured him even if she missed.

"But you didn't." (Y/n) said with a grin making Amelia roll her eyes.

"But I could've. You just got lucky enough to duck." Amelia said and gave the man a quick peck on his lips.

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