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I take a deep breath, vocalizing my words shakily, "Can I do it? "

Billie furrows her brows, obviously surprised by what I just said, "you?" She signs, "why?"

I bite my lip nervously, "I need to." I sign it, hoping she knows those words and she writes in the notebook.

"Why do you need to? Is it money problems? I can solve that."

My eyes widen, immediately signing, "NO no," I turn to the journal, "I'm not taking your money for nothing."

She looks at me unamused, obviously not caring to spend a few thousand on me, and I relay, "I need to do this," emphasizing the 'I'.

She nods her head in defeat, "of course you can clean my house, especially if you need money," she writes, "but why this? Can you not find a job?"

I shake my head, once again my emotions getting the best of me, and take a deep breath so I can communicate clearly to Billie. "I'm a shoe-in for a job at the elementary school, but the process of getting hired is far too long."

She smirks, "will you wear a cute little maid outfit?"

I roll my eyes playfully, signing, "if you're lucky."

We talk a little longer, half signing, half writing, and come up with a plan for the next couple months, assuming it will take longer than expected to start at the school. I can start at Billie's tomorrow, meaning I'll be able to pay my rent this month.

I cried when she gave me the figure, telling me it's how much she paid her previous service.

It was a big number, okay?

"Thank you," I sign, a sob escaping my throat.

Billie frowns pitifully and pulls me into her arms, resting her chin on my shoulder and her lips on my neck. I could just feel the silky skin softly touching my own as she breathed in and out.

Before she pulled away, she left a kiss on the spot, neither of us realizing it was one of my more sensitive areas. My breath hitches in surprise as butterflies swarm in my lower region.

When Billie's face lands in front of mine, she smirks, "you okay?" She signs it with a sort of teasing expression and I feel myself get slightly red.

"Yes," I sign shortly, looking down at my lap.

Billie lifts my face with her hand, "you sure?" she mouths.

I cower, her teasing getting the best of me, and nod, neither of us believing it. She chuckles lightly and takes her hand from under my chin. I can tell she's trying to hide it, but a big smile stubbornly crawls across her lips.

I smile too, finding her adorable, and sign, "you're beautiful."

I see her cheeks tint slightly red and I bite my lip in victory.

"Thank you," she replies, hesitantly leaning in for a kiss.

It lasts longer than our others, both of us preserving the moment, and I find myself leaning in more as she pulls away. She holds my shoulders back to break the kiss and giggles, signing, "not done?"

I pout, saying, "you're lips are just nice."

"Yours too," she compliments and I blush slightly.

We sit in peace for a few seconds and I lick my lips, looking around my apartment for something to distract us from the growing tension.

Don't get me wrong, I would love for something to happen with her, just not tonight. We have a good thing going here and I don't want to rush into anything.

"I have," I sign, slowly finger spelling the next part, "monopoly."

Billie's lustful expression turns disappointed and she furrows her eyebrows. "Did I read the room wrong?" she writes.

I'm glad she said something so I could acknowledge it. I pick up the book and write, "No, baby, I'm just not ready, I hope that's okay."

Her eyes widen when she reads it, quickly writing, "Oh! Of course! It's totally okay, Princess."

The name catches me by surprise and I giggle, signing a quick 'thank you'.

The moment becomes slightly awkward as neither of us are sure what to do next, but Billie waves her hand to get my attention before clumsily finger spelling, "Monopoly?" With furrowed brows.

I sit up excitedly, messily writing, "Yes! Do you want to play? It's my absolute favorite!"

Billie's face stretches into a wide smile before she stands up. She lifts her hand into a 'come here' motion and I follow suit. I'm standing in front of her when she wraps her arms around me, giving me the strongest, tightest hug I've ever had.

I can't breathe, but I don't really care. After a few seconds she lets go and I look at her questioningly.

"You're so cute!" She signs, my cuteness clearly the reason for her rising aggression.

I giggle loudly, now finding her infuriatingly adorable as well. I reach and give her a huge squeeze before skipping down the hall to my cabinet of games.

I love games.

I reach up to open the door to a cabinet in the hall that sits just above my eye level, and find monopoly underneath three other games! I personally think taking the games off of it before trying to pull it out is for pussies, so I reach for the box and start to pull. The other games move along with it, so I push them back, but they keep sliding forward.

I persist and pull monopoly once again. The other boxes slide down faster than before and I just barely catch them before they fall on my head. I find myself with both hands occupied, one holding up monopoly, and the other holding back the 3 other games.

I'm stuck.

"Billie!" I shriek, hopefully getting her attention.

Moments later, the cabinet door opens wider to reveal her captivating face. "What's up?" She signs.

I look at her unamused, and back up at my occupied hands, showing her my predicament.

Billie smirks, "What's wrong, Princess?"

My eyes widen in surprise. Of course she learned that sign. I will be passing away now, thank you.

With red cheeks, I look to the boxes and whimper.

When I look back, I see her smile and she boops my nose before lifting the falling boxes and putting them back in their place. I take monopoly and Billie shuts the cabinet door before holding my waist and guiding us to the living room.


ily guys. I wish I updated more too, dw.

Just know, I will n.e.v.e.r. Leave a book discontinued. I hate that. no. And I'll never just disappear off the face of the earth either. Updates are just slow rn

Patience//BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now