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We pull away and Billie takes a step back to grab my duffel bag from it's spot on the floor. She smiles sweetly and takes my hand with care as she leads us out of the apartment.

I make sure to lock the door before we leave, and Billie maintains her grip on my hand as we enter the elevator. We stay pretty peaceful, neither of us trying to communicate anything to the other. I find myself resting my eyes on the door to the elevator, smiling slightly.

I feel Billie squeeze my hand as the elevator stops, and a couple of butterflies flutter through my stomach, making my smile grow.

We step out of the elevator, then the building, as we approach Billie's car. I glance across the parking lot to lay my eyes on my own vehicle, lit up ominously by the street light close by. I whine a little, waving my hand in Billie's line of sight, to get her attention.

She looks at me with a questioning expression and I point to my car, "I drive my car?"

Billie stares blankly at me for a second and I chuckle under my breath, knowing she must be processing what I said. I get it, it's hard to learn one language, let alone a second.

"No, you come with me," Billie responds.

My heart fills with adoration and I give her a big bear hug. Seemingly caught by surprise, she takes a couple moments before reciprocating, tucking her face in my hair.

I let go of the hug and sign, "sorry, you are just doing so good! I'm proud of you."

"Proud?" Billie signs, asking what it means.

"P-r-o-u-d" I spell out for her, nice and slow.

Her bottom lip pokes out, "thank you, Baby."

She opens the passenger door for me and I giggle and get in, buckling myself in as Billie shuts the door and gets in her side. As I sit there, staring out the windshield, I get slightly nervous, knowing when I wake up tomorrow morning, I'm gonna clean Billie's house.

I'm not nervous to talk to Billie, nor am I worried about the work load. I've cleaned a fucking house before for god's sake. I'm just nervous. I mean, I'm going to Billie's for the first time and she's definitely rich as fuck. I hope I don't seem too poor standing in that house.

Billie pulls out of the lot, and begins to drive us towards her place. I sit, tense, in the passenger seat, fidgeting with my fingers and trying to take deep breaths as quietly as I know how, not wanting to worry Billie. After I let out a particularly shaky breath, Billie's right hand lands on my thigh, softly stroking it.

I look over to her and she glances at me with a small smile. She turns back to the road shortly after and I admire her side profile for a few moments until she stops at a red light. She turns to me, her hand still on my thigh, and smiles softly.

Her fingers around my leg squeeze a little bit and she tucks a piece of hair behind my ear with the other hand, stroking it down my jaw and under my chin with care. She leans in and leaves a soft kiss on my lips before looking ahead at the light, it turning green moments later.

I sit silently with butterflies coursing through me and allow myself to relive those few moments in my head over, and over, and over... until Billie pulls into the driveway of her house.

I look up at the massive structure in front of me, in awe at the sheer size of it. It's very modern, but still homey, welcoming any visitor inside with it's kind appearance.

I look over at Billie, who I find stepping out of the car, and wait in my seat, knowing she likes to be gentlemanly and all. She comes to my door and opens it, making a cute gesture to welcome me. I smile and giggle as I get out, marveling at the place. Billie walks around to the trunk, pulling out my bag and carrying it for me.

She takes my hand as we walk to the grand entrance, and Billie types in a passcode on the door, not needing a key. It cracks open as the small light on the keypad turns green, indicating the correct code, and she turns around, smirking at me. She opens the door and gestures to the foyer with jazz hands.

I smile and step in in front of her, immediately drawing my eyes to the beautiful chandelier hanging over our heads.

It's huge.

"Wow!" I sign, turning back around to Billie, "That's huge!"

Billie holds in a laugh before signing, "that's what she said."

I gasp, and let out a laugh at her silliness. Knowing her, that must have been one of the first phrases she tried to learn. She sticks out her tongue playfully and walks past me, gesturing for me to follow. I do so, curious to see more, and she heads further inside, passing a beautiful kitchen and living room before heading up a set of stairs.

I keep close behind her, not wanting to get lost, but gradually get more and more nervous. Maybe this is too much to clean.

We walk down a short hall and Billie opens a large door at the end. She steps inside with my bag and I follow. What I am walking into is clearly a master bedroom, having a floor to ceiling window on one wall, and an open-plan entrance to the master bath on another.

Billie places my bag on the bed and I walk over to the window. There is the most beautiful view of the city, and one can see for miles upon miles. I feel Billie wrap her arms around my waist, as she loves to do, and she rests her chin on my shoulder. I find it difficult to decide whether to focus on the breath-taking view, or Billie's affectionate hug.

Hugs from behind will always be my weakness.


I updated questioning too if you read that book <3

Florence Pugh is hot

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