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Ultimately, I give in and let her help, slightly relieved that I'm not on my own anymore.

We work together the rest of the day, cleaning floors, vacuuming, and putting things away. By the time we are done, Billie's house looks like those found in realtor magazines.

"Come on!" Billie signs, "Let's watch  a TV show."

I, currently kneeling on the floor and picking up small specks of lint, tilt my head as I look at her. "I'm working," I sign.

Billie rolls her eyes and writes in the journal. I get up from my spot on the floor to read it.

"We've cleaned the house plenty. It looks better than when my old service was finished. That, and they only come once a week! We've got plenty of time to hang out."

When I'm finished reading, I look up at Billie, contemplating. She tilts her head slightly as she looks at me, her gaze getting more intense and loving.

"Fine," I sign, a smile breaking on my face slightly.

Billie bounces in her seat, "Thank you, Baby. What do you want to watch?"

I shrug and sit beside Billie on the couch and cuddle in close, feeling her right arm wrap it's way around me.

"It's raining," I read in the journal. I pick up my head and look out the window at the grey sky and pooling water on the streets. Feelings of warmth and love fill my body and I continue to stare out the window, grateful that I'm warm and safe in Billie's arms.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask with my voice, catching us both by surprise. I think we both expected Billie to ask, but it was such a perfect moment, a moment I wanted to last forever.

Billie sits me up and out of her embrace, revealing her red cheeks to me, "Yes," she signs quickly and leans in to catch my lips in a passionate kiss.

2 months later

We had sex that night. The best sex I'd ever had.

I quit reminiscing and look down at the box in front of me: the last one to unpack. I sigh, exhausted from moving, and quickly hang my formal clothes on one of many of Billie's empty racks.

I feel the ground vibrate slightly and look up to the doorway, finding Billie smiling at me.

Stomping on the ground is a common way to get a Deaf person's attention, something I taught Billie quite early on.

"Hey, Baby," she signs, "Almost done?"

I hold up the last dress in the box, mostly black with white trim and some tooling under the skirt. With it on the hanger is a Lacey headband and a feather duster.

My maid outfit.

"You actually had one!?" Billie signs enthusiastically, "If I had known, I would have made you wear it."

I giggle and hang it up, signing, "That's why I didn't tell you."

I check the time, "I'd better get to bed, it's been a long day and I need to wake up at 5:45 to prepare my lesson."

Billie smiles warmly, picking up on my nerves, "You'll do great baby."



I love you all and I'm so sorry it said completed before 😭 I'm not sure how that happened TWICE for the same book but uhh yeah. Now it truly is complete.

I hope you enjoyed this sweet, sweet story :)

Patience//BILLIE EILISHTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon