1. Summer Shocker

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"Summers almost gone Sally." Larry said as he grabbed a soda from the mini fridge in his room. "I'd rather not be reminded" Sal responded not being bothered to look at him as he was currently fixated on the painting Larry had done a few hours before.
Larry sat in a beanbag and motioned for Sal to come sit. "Who knows, maybe Churchboy finally got that stick out of his ass" Sal held back a laugh as he went to sit next to Larry. "I doubt it Lar, unless he magically changed" "Yeah, but didn't you always say you thought he would change one day? Change your mind?" Sal sunk down in the beanbag, yes it was true that he thought Travis would magically become a better person one day. But it's senior year, let's face it, Travis won't change. "Very funny Larry, I just had a change of heart" Sal faked a laugh. "I should probably get going Lar. It's getting late." Sal got up from the beanbag and started walking toward the door before turning around "Don't accidentally kill yourself while I'm gone ok?" Larry put on some weird smirk "Promises are made to be broken Sallyface!" "Whatever Larryface" Sal shut the door and quickly made his way to apartment 402. Summer would be over in 5 days and he would have to go through one last year of hell. Amazing.

-Time skip-

"Welcome to hell little dude!" Larry shouted as and Sal made their way out of the car and into the parking lot. "One last year of this baby! Then we got the rest of our lives ahead of us!" Larry was too excited for this, must be fake. "That's if you don't die before then" Sal said catching up to Larry since he had tried to run away into the building. "Don't be so negative~" Larry teased. "Whatever, let's get inside before we're late" Sal and Larry rushed into the building looking for a certain person. "Ash!" Sal exclaimed running(speedwalking) towards her. "Hey sal! And um Larry" Ash let out a little laugh as she watched Larry catch up to Sal. "It feels like its been forever!" Larry whined resting an arm on sal's head. "We literally saw her a week ago because you apparently missed her so much dude" sal said trying to get Larry's arm off of his head.

Today everyone had a free day since it was only the first day. They could use this time to find their classes, talk, hang out, or just anything in general, it would be like this for the next few days while everyone gets their schedule situated.

The group stood there for a few minutes chatting, eventually Todd and Neil joined in. "Now that we are back in school, has anyone seen Mr. Churchboy, normally by now he'd be messing with us" Sal spoke up. "Maybe he REALLY did get that stick out of his ass!" Larry said putting an emphasis on 'really' "I think I saw him in the back of the school doing something before I came over here." Todd spoke up. "Like Larry said! Travis isn't an ass anymore!" Ash said sarcastically. "Or maybe he's just planning something big" Neil joked. "Ooo spooky~" Sal was holding in a laugh before finally letting it out. He missed this, but seriously, where is Travis?
"Hey guys, wanna go explore?" Sal asked. "We've gone to this school before, are you hoping something new will magically show up?" Ash asked sarcastically. "Sorry dude but me and Ash were gonna try and skip the rest of the day and you know that Todd and Neil will be preoccupied" Larry said. "Oh that's fine!" Sal said a bit sadly and watched as they all walked off.


Honestly, the halls are pretty lonely when you don't have a whole squad with you or someone to bully you. But it felt pretty nice to get used to these halls once again. New year, new Sal!

While walking, I saw a pretty familiar blondie coming my way. 'Here it comes, the same old cycle" I braced myself as he got closer. I was ready to get hit, ready for Travis to use me. But it never came. He didn't even make eye contact with me. He just walked right past me. I stopped in my tracks confused. I would have to tell Larry about this later. Unless he just really didn't notice me. And there was only one way to test that out.

I quickly changed directions, walking a bit faster to catch up with Travis. Once I got to him I put my hand on his shoulder, and if he really didn't change, he'd probably kill me. But once again, I was surprised. It seemed like he noticed it, he even flinched a bit and had a little stop. But he just kept walking. "Travis? Why are you acting so weird?" No response. I once again walked faster to try and get his attention again. His eyes were fixated only on the floor though. It's like there was nothing in his head.

Definitely telling Larry about this.

I decided to finally leave him alone and go find Todd, since Larry wasn't here, he was the only one I could tell. Larry can find out later. I kept walking until I spotted the orange hair.


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