26. Fraud.

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Read 4:34 AM


Can we talk?

No lol.

Please travis?

Thought you were only faking?

I was at first but now... I really like you


Oh? Is that all you have to say?


-Sals Pov-

I set my phone down. I had no right to be angry but I was. All of this was my fault. I needed something to clear my head. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen. I thought about getting some food but decided against it. Instead, I got some water and sat there for a second. I didn't drink to much of the water, I felt sick. So I poured the rest of the water into the sink and threw the cup in with the water.

I might as well stay up for the rest of the night since it's pretty late and if I slept now, I wouldn't be able to sleep later. I heard my phone from the other room, I wouldn't go check it now though. I hate to admit it but I'm scared of what the message was. I heard my phone again and got annoyed. I went back into my room, making sure to quietly shut the door. I checked my phone. I had 1 message from Travis and one from Larry.

Hmm that's weird, Larry wouldn't have texted me this late. And I doubt he would next back after our last conversation....

I had a gut feeling, something told me to check Larry's text first, Travis can wait.

I nearly gasped when I saw Larry's message, I didn't know what he meant, but I had an idea...


Sal. I'm sorry.

Larry??? Why are you apologizing?

I love you. You were the best friend I could ever have.

Larry what are you doing right now??


I looked everywhere , I needed to see Larry. I wanted to know if he was okay...

I couldn't find my keycard. I couldn't go to the basement to see if Larry was okay. I had to call him.
I didn't hesitate to press the call button.

No answer

I called again

No answer.

By now I was panicking..

I called again


"Larry?" I asked, my voice shaking

"Hey little dude.."

"Larry I need you to tell me you are ok"

"I'm ok Sal."

"Promise me?"



"Promises are made to be broken..."

And with that. He hung up.

"Fuck! Larry you better not be doing anything stupid!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. My keycard! I quickly grabbed it and ran out of my room. Going straight for the basement.

Once I was there I opened Larry's apartment. His mother wasn't home which I found to be strange.

I didn't waste any time looking at random things. I went straight for his room. I tried opening it but it was locked. I banged on the door.

I screamed his name. I took my phone out of my pocket, I doubt he would actually pick up the phone but it was worth a shot.

Larry suddenly texted me out of the blue.
I read the text out loud without realizing it.

"Jeez.. I can here you screaming from here. Everything is okay Sal. Go back to sleep."

I responded quickly, telling him to never scare me like that again... I'm not sure if I believe him, but if he says he's okay, I don't want to pry at it.

I sat on Larry's couch. I'd rather stay here instead. I was about to put my phone away but

That's when I remembered...

I opened me and Travis' messages. I was expecting some smart reply... but I was met with something rather.. shocking..


Maybe you should tell that to Travis then Sal.


Cliffhanger lol

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