12. Blue Tulip

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A/N: I hate this chapter.!the writing is a bit bad because I write it at 2 am but yeah. Enjoy!

Blue Tulip- Respect, Tranquility, Trust

-Larry's pov-

I woke up early today, just in case Sal tried to leave without me. I waited for an hour for him to come out. "Hey Lar" I looked down to see Sal, "Sal!" I gotta explain some things to you, get in the truck.

"So what did you have to say? You finally gonna explain Friday?" I could tell that Sal was genuinely worried about me. "Yes!" I was probably acting a bit too excited for this, whoops. " go on then, I'm listening"

"First I wanted to say sorry for lashing out on you yesterday, I know I only told you to get out but I still feel bad. I really wanted to tell you what happened but I had this feeling in my stomach. It was like it was warning me. Telling me to wait!" "Go on"
I told Sal all about how me and Travis met outside the school, and how we smoked for a bit. I told him how I asked Travis if he wanted to go into my car to get high. Then came the 'fun' part.

I told him about what happened after we finished the blunt. I told him how we kept making eye contact. I told him everything. I told him how I gave Travis a hickey. I told him that I slightly enjoyed it but was pretty sure it was only because I was high. I told him about what happened after. And Sal just sat there and listened.

"What the fuck Larry." Is he mad? "He probably hates you now" I think he already did but whatever. "He already did Sal" "Yeah, but still, you should apologize" Sal said "I'm actually planning on doing it today at school."

I remembered something, I still have Travis' lighters. I leaned over Sal and grabbed both lighters. I'll give these back today aswell. "What's that?" Sal asked "These are Travis' lighters, he let me borrow them when we smoked together"

-Timeskip to lunch-

Sal and I were in the bathrooms, we decided to stay in here for lunch since Sal felt anxious. "Hey Sal" Sal looked at me and did a 'hm' to indicate that he was listening. "Have you seen Travis? I have apologized yet." "No, he wasn't in any of my classes I have with him" "shit." Sal propped himself up on the sink and just sat there. "Maybe he's just late?" "Sal it's lunch time" "I'm just trying to lighten the mood, damn" that made me laugh a little. Sal is pretty good at lightening the mood. "Why don't you just stop by his house after school?" "His dad probably doesn't like me, I'm not exactly church material" "Yeah tru-" BANG

The bathroom door swung open. Me and Sal both jumped in sync. It was none other than, Travis. "Trav, you left these in my car." I held out the lighters to him but her only took one. I tried to give him the other one but he just shook his head no.

I got a pretty good look at him. He was wearing a green hoodie, ripped jeans, and his hair was messed up, he also looked pretty tired. "Yo Travis you ok?" Sal asked. Travis just nodded his head. "Your hair looks better when it's messy like that" Sal complemented him, probably trying to lighten the mood once again. I could've sworn Travis had a bit of red on his face.

-Travis' pov-

After some thinking, I'm pretty sure I'm gay. I'm not going to tell my father that though. And to prevent him from finding out, I'm not going to tell anyone. I looked back at Sal and Larry and waved before walking out of the bathroom. Sal complementing me felt pretty weird. I'm not sure why though.

A/N: ANOTHER SHORT CHAPTER SORRY. And Larry's way of apologizing to Travis was giving him the lighters back. Also, these chapters are called the flower chapters

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