Chapter 7 - Caveman

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I watched from above as Leoni took out an entire group of ooman males. She fought with prowess, like she was used to taking on so many at a time. I couldn't believe my eyes but it played out before me, the truth there.

The hybrid used my shuriken, as humans would call it, like she was born to wield it. I was amused by the delight on her face when she discovered that it comes back. This particular weapon was one of my favorites when not resorting to slicing and dicing with my wrist blades. Much preferring hand-to-hand combat, I liked to rely on the simpler tools such as this one.

One ooman was left standing and I watched as they began circling one another, the male shedding his armor and weapons as she did the same.

She planned to take him out with her bare hands. This was personal. Their conversation was short, quick, but I understood every word. Said male had been a torturer of hers at the facility, having tried to force himself upon her.

The male was dishonorable. He deserved the grisly death I hoped she would give him.

Despite having spent the past few days trying to literally beat her scent out of my cock, I found myself turned on all over again. If it weren't the females who picked their mates then I would've gladly risked my honor to make her my mate. The way she fought was brutal, albeit messy and could be improved upon with proper training. Gears in my head ran as I tried to find a way out of killing her.

My thoughts were interrupted with the sickening crunch of bone breaking.

I looked to find the male on the ground battered and beaten while my hybrid hadn't even broken a sweat. Her yellow eyes gleaned with the thrill of the kill on the horizon. She exerted her dominance over this puny male with such finesse, it was mesmerizing. I couldn't help but click in excitement as I watched her bring one of her tiny feet right into the male's side.

The sickening crack only made her smile as the male screamed in pain. His hideous human face was slick with sweat and pain; good, pauck this dishonorable male to force himself on a female in the first place.

"Pray to whatever god you believe in that they welcome you into the afterlife with mercy." Leoni rolled the shaking waste of flesh onto his front where, with her bare hands, ripped his spine clean from his back.

Oh my stars. Isn't she a little huntress collecting her trophy? I chuckled to myself.

It was time I stopped hiding and show myself to her. I leaped from the tree, my body thudding loudly alerting her of my presence as I land feet away from her.

She rose to her full height in alarm, her eyes wide as she tried to find me. I deactivated my cloak and merely waited with my arms folded across my chest. When she did see me she froze. Clutching the bloody spine in her hand she eyed me, those yellow orbs taking every inch of me. From my greater height she's so tiny, small; one would never guess that she's a little warrior, a fighter.


I nodded, resting my arms to my sides as she took a step closer.

How bold, I noted mentally. I wondered what challenge she would deliver this time. Her scent, similar to the Iyu'ke fruit back home, hit me like a warship. Sweetness laced with spice.

"Leoni." Looking around I could see up close the carnage she unleashed, turning my head left and right as my mask zoomed in on each corpse showing the damage done. A small part of me was filled with pride at seeing such a tiny creature take on a large group by herself.

"I-I, umm...I have a bone to pick with you, Yautja." She frowned, "No pun intended." Leoni added, nodding towards the spine in her hand still.

I chuckled, understanding the joke she tried to make.

"About what, Leoni?"

Her face turned bright red, her eyes averting to the side. "For leaving me all hot and bothered like that. You don't just push me against a tree, rip my shirt open, and expect me to forget it."

Oh, right. A small growl escapes my chest.

"What about it?" I crossed my arms again and took a threatening step towards her. Instead of backing away she accepted my challenge and took two steps forward.

She scoffed, placing her tiny fists on her shapely hips, "You big bastard, don't you know anything about women? It seems men are the same no matter what fucking galaxy you lot are from. Always thinking with your dick or leaving a lady wet and needy for reasons she didn't understand."

"Big bastard? Let me remind you that I could easily subdue you if I wanted to."

"I didn't know you were into kink." For some reason I found the quirk of her lips enchanting as she sized me up with a look of carnal desires in her eyes. "I like it rough and dirty." The last sentence came out huskily as she turned around with a flourish.

While I was left to stand there and work to keep my control at bay, I watched as she cleaved the cock off of the spineless male and shoved it in his mouth. Satisfaction gleamed in her eyes as she pocketed his sidearm and a jagged knife. Going around to the corpses she bent over collecting what she wanted, not realizing I find the wiggle of her hips enticing.

Is this how oomans mate? Is this some sort of mating call the way she sways those little hips of hers? I had to clench my hands closed in an effort to just observe.

"Good going, Leoni. Flirt with the seven foot alien that wants to kill you. Real smart. Totally smart..." Her muttering to herself was quiet but not quiet enough for my sensitive hearing. Her spoken thoughts were charming, childish in a way. I had to re-read her file to check that she's in fact an adult.

Twenty-four human years. That's good. Fine.

By the time she collected what she wanted, she was stuffing it into that bag of hers and walked back to me with my stolen weapon in hand. She took me by surprise when she held it out to me. The weapon was clean and shining in the low light, a mirror image of the stormy clouds cast upon it.

"This is yours."

I stared at the weapon until I decided to accept it, tucking it back into its spot at my waist belt. "Thank you, hybrid."

"I take it as a good thing that I'm no longer abomination? This is progress...I think." She stared up at me, her eyes wary and swirling with other emotions I can't understand.


"Then what now?"

That was a good question since I had yet to figure it out myself. I wasn't even sure what I was doing. I'd never not killed a target before. Much less wanted to mate with it.

My clan would not accept this, I know...unless...

The files the facility she was held in listed that she had been given injections so she could breed with my kind. There had been many experiments done on her, but never actually trying to breed her since they could never get a "live specimen" of my kind to do it. This was heinous but it was one of the only solid ways the clan would accept her.

"Come with me." I signaled for her to follow me and headed in the direction of my ship.

The tiny human stood there for a moment, making me turn and wave her forward. I needed to get her back to my ship before more of the ooman soldiers come for her. I didn't have patience for her slow pace.

A few moments later I heard her footsteps as she ran to catch up with me, struggling to keep up with her much shorter legs. Quite quickly I grew tired of her taking so long and swooped down to toss her over my shoulder.

"Hey, you giant caveman! I have two perfectly fine legs!" She protested, slapping her tiny hands across my back. I barely felt it her hands were so small. I wouldn't feel it all if it weren't for the tips of her sharp nails. Giving a warning growl, I silenced her and continued to plow my way through the forest.

What normally would have been a quick and easy walk had turned out to be frustrating. Feeling her skin touch mine again made me want to rut her right now. The soft skin of hers was magical and the little scales brushed against mine with every step.

This trip to Earth was certainly eventful.

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