Bonus Chapter - Kodee

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Nine Months Later

I finished putting the last touches on the tree and stepped back to admire my hard work. It wasn't exact but it was the best I could do. The homemade ornaments I had made with Mira looked nice, the little metal balls covered in glitter and colorful paint shined prettily against the tree lights that Drogaxe was sweet enough to snag from Earth on a hunt. All that was left was to put presents under the tree, which I happily did.

The small tug at my pant leg drew my attention, a soft whine causing me to kneel down to pick up the little infant sitting at my feet. I snuggled him and bounced him up and down as I showed him the decorations, cooing softly.

Drogaxe and I had made a cute little baby. He looked like Drogaxe anatomy wise in the face with tiny mandibles and tusks. Already I was expecting another, our son Kodee barely six months old.

Kodee reached for the colorful lights with his fat little hands, his claws not come in yet. I rubbed his soft little head and kissed him. He let out little cries of happiness as I loved on him. My little boy loved his cuddles. His little green eyes closed as I kissed him some more.

"If you keep smothering him like that he will grow up soft." Growled the familiar voice behind me. Like always, I hadn't heard him come in.

Turning to him with a smile, I took in the sight of Drogaxe standing there as he removed his bio-mask to give a disapproving look. My alien was constantly stressing over how I was smothering Kodee. I insisted on him growing up with teachings from both our cultures. He hadn't yet learned that smothering babies with love was purely a human thing.

Plus my son was so cute. He was so pudgy and fat. I would miss this stage when he got too big to hold and snuggle.

"No, I won't, babe. He likes it." I nuzzled Kodee again, my loving making him squeal and grab a few strands of my hair.

The little fucker already had a good grip at six months old. Before long he could probably yank some of my hair out if he wanted to explore it enough.

Drogaxe's eyes softened as they fell upon Kodee. "You are right." He made his way to us and nuzzled me with his own cheek, an arm circling my waist as I leaned into his warm body.

"Hello, my tiny pup. Your mother smothers you." He gently stroked Kodee's little cheek with his claws.

Kodee smiled as he grabbed one of Drogaxe's claws and suckled on it, his little mandibles trapping it in his tiny mouth.

My mate chuckled, "Someone already holds no fear. He will be a strong warrior."

Shaking my head I could only smile as I watched the two play tug of war. "Kodee, not everything is food, baby. Let your daddy loose." The little fucker only giggled and tried to attack Drogaxe's claws, tiny little growls mixing with his laughter.

"He will be killing his prey with no mercy. My pup will be the most skilled of his training group!" Drogaxe exclaimed, smiling with pride.

"He has to learn to walk first, babe."

He released me from his arm so I could hand Kodee to him, our little boy trilling with excitement as Drogaxe held him in his thick arms. Despite my mate's massive size, he was very gentle. Gentle purrs rumbled in his wide chest as he played tug of war with the baby over his claw. He allowed Kodee to keep his claw in his tiny hold while the little infant growled like a kitten.

It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I loved watching them play together.

The little twerp was a daddy's boy when it came to play time.

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