Chapter 23 - Healer

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Several rotations passed since returning to home-world. During that time I started to train Leoni in basic self-defense. My pride for my mate threatened to burst my chest with how fast she learned, how quickly she adapted to the situation I would present her with. Many times our little sessions would end with a rough rutting.

Just as I had researched she was easy to arouse. With a touch of my hands on her hip or my body against hers as I repositioned her arm or leg I had my mate in heat. Her scent filled the room with her need. Watching her become aroused and fight it was amusing, especially when I would put her in a sexual position; she would fight it harder.

It was one early sunrise when the smell of blood roused me from my slumber. My mate was nowhere to be seen with only a small pool of blood where she had been. A small trail of blood led me to the cleansing room where my fear and worry grew stronger with every step.

The smell was stronger there and mixed with her scent.

I opened the door to find her huddled in a corner curled into a fetal position. Her long amber waves hid her face and cascaded onto her legs. Between her thighs I could see the source of the blood.

"Mate, what is the matter? Why do you bleed?" I knelt before her pulling her into my lap where she whimpered. By instinct I purred, trilling as I nuzzled her hair with my tusks. She seemed to calm somewhat.

"My cycle."

"Cycle? What is this? Will it kill you?"

A soft breathy laugh helped to soothe my worry. She shook her head as her fingers traced the scars on my skin.

"Human women bleed for a week once a month. It's what our bodies do when we don't get pregnant."

How bizarre. Female Yautja endured no such thing. I felt slight disappointment that her bleeding meant there would be no pup, yet.

"Are you in pain? I can take you to the ooman doctor for pain relief—"

"Yes, I'm in a lot of pain. My cramps are pretty bad when my cycle comes." She hissed in pain, her hand falling to caress her flat stomach. "It takes a lot of energy out of me."

I pushed her hand aside to replace it with my own. My hand spanned across her entire waist, a low moan escaped her mouth.

"Mmm, that feels so good."

"I will take you to the healer, mate. She will heal you or die."

"D, don't go killing some poor innocent soul, ya big brute." She smacked lightly at the arm that I held her against my body with as I left the cleansing room.

"As you have seen before, I will end all that hurt you, Leoni."

"How can you stand to touch me when I'm all gross like this? It's disgusting and I'm covered in blood!" Her little legs tried to kick at my side but I held her firmly in my grasp.

Did she seriously think blood affected me? I was born to bathe in blood as if it was nothing. As a warrior, blood was meaningless to me. Seeing hers worried me but I wasn't disgusted by the physical manifestation of her fertility.

"Your bodily fluids do not disgust me. I do not like seeing you bleed but I take pride that my mate is fertile." Her arms came to wrap around my neck with her face pressed against my chest as we left my dwelling. The twin suns heated my skin as I walked through the jungle following the path that led to the city. "I admit to you that I am disappointed there has been no pup from our excessive rutting. Next cycle I will work harder to put a pup in you."

That cute little ooman face of hers turned red. She missed my smirk. Embarrassing her had become my favorite hobby. It took very little to make her face turn red. Seeing her crumble at my words filled me with arrogant pride that it was me that could make her do so.

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