Chapter 17 - Rakar

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"What do you mean by 'us'?" I asked as he led me through winding corridors filled with various Yautja going about their business. All of them dwarfed me as we made our way through the ship.

"I told them that I have claimed you as my mate."

We entered some kind of elevator and a few moments later we were on another section of the ship. It was a little brighter than where we had been previously. This ship was all black and metal like Drogaxe's but on a bigger scale. So far we had passed hundreds of Yautja who watched me with curious eyes, various different colored irises staring me down.

"Doesn't your clan hate hybrids, though?" His hand wrapped around my wrist gently as we came to a stop at a corner to let a group leading a floating table with a dead Yautja wrapped in a shroud pass by. Every Yautja, including him, pounded their fist against their chest in some form of respect. Once they were passed we continued on, his large hand still gently leading me.

"Do not worry, Leoni. They can not harm you. When we rutted my claim on you was made and sealed."

As usual, he was straight to the point. What we had done together was supposed to be private. Various Yautja around would stop and stare at us as we walked by. A few times Drogaxe growled in warning when some tried to approach. Some had masks and others did not, even their skin coloring and patterns were different to distinguish individuals. I kept close to my own alien as we approached a giant open door.

"Leoni. Do not speak to anyone unless they speak to you. This is a sign of respect to those who are higher rank than you."

"I wasn't planning to do otherwise."

He simply nodded as he led me into the large room. Somehow this one was more sinister than the rest of the ship with long black and red banners hanging from the ceiling to the left and right of a tiered dais where a huge black throne sat at the top. The back looked to be made of some giant white skull with an ornate crown and looked intimidating. In various spots around the room, Yautja stood in various states of dress, some with armor and others with just a wrap like Drogaxe would wear when not in his armor. Seated atop this throne was a menacing Yautja.

The way he sat there with so much arrogance and power, his amber eyes meeting mine across the room as we approached. He was somehow slightly bigger than Drogaxe. His dreads had grey stripes in them that reached to his waist where a few strands lied in his lap.

One thing I noticed was how familiar he looked and it wasn't until we stopped at the bottom of the dais that I realized why.

His skin was the same but an aged version of Drogaxe's. It was like looking in a mirror image but aged up.

Drogaxe fisted his chest and bowed his head slightly as his father addressed him in their language of clicks and growls. They continued until the Yautja on the throne addressed me in perfect English, his voice rumbling in my chest as he spoke.

"Leoni, yes?" His eyes watched me, slightly narrowed.

I glanced to Drogaxe to see if he would let me know it was okay to speak. With a nod from him I gathered my courage to speak to the intimidating Yautja before me.

"Yes. My name is Leoni, and you are?" Those amber eyes widened slightly as I straightened my back not wanting to look weak. Beside me Drogaxe was silent, his eyes focused on me.

"I am Rakar. Leader of the Black Blade clan. I am your mate's sire."

I didn't really know what to say to that so I just did what I would do on Earth when meeting the parents of a boyfriend, "It's nice to meet you, Rakar." Clasping my hands at my waist I gave him a small smile. I at least wanted to make a good impression.

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