Chapter 29 - Drogaxe's Mate

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Seeva had not tired yet. She was vicious in her attacks. The female was fast and fought to kill the one female who had ever made me envision a future apart from hunting until I die.

My Leoni made me proud.

She countered every blow Seeva delivered, precise in her own attacks. Pivoting on the balls of her feet she swept the combi-stick at a wide angle and knocked Seeva to the ground. I could hear a distinct crack with a successive scream of pain from the injured female.

Her return blow took Leoni by surprise. A fist landed on Leoni's ribs and she crumpled to the ground with a cry of her own.

Seeva was fast to return to her feet and punch my mate on the other side of her body while she tried to put space between them; it was enough. My amber maned mate buried the pointed tip of her combi-stick into the foot of the female Yautja.

With strength I hadn't seen before, Leoni yanked Seeva off her feet and climbed on top of her where she brought her little fists down upon her opponents mandibles. Neon green blood squirted from her mouth covering both Seeva and Leoni as Leoni continued to pummel her face. Seeva scratched at her arms and face as she fought to get her off.

"He's mine you stupid vagina-faced bitch!"

"You are unworthy to mate with such a male!" Countered Seeva when she finally pushed Leoni onto the ground where she widened her mandibles to growl in her face.

Leoni just glared and raked her nails across Seeva's face. "Look who's talking! You're an ugly home-wrecker! You crab faced slut, go take someone else's man!" The two collided and rolled around on the ground biting and clawing at each other.

The crowd roared with excitement as the fight devolved to a feline fight, the two females wrestling in the dirt covered in each other's blood and their own. I could only watch from afar with hope that my mate would come out on top. Their fight vaguely reminded me of an ooman television show Leoni called 'Jerry Springer' where ooman females would fight in a similar manner over petty squabbles.

My hope was for naught since I knew Leoni would win. She was strong and would persevere. Leoni was bold and a fighter by nature, something her sire had taught her from childhood. Fighting was in her bones, even though I could tell she was tired of it, but she still fought on — persevering.

Leoni cried out in pain as Seeva wrapped her hand around Leoni's ankle and squeezed.

I could only watch with worry as Seeva turned the fight immediately in her favor. It took all I had to not run out there and pull her out, finishing the job myself, but I knew Leoni would lose what honor she had fought to gain among my people. Fitting in had been important to her and I couldn't make her out as a weakling.

Hearing her cries of pain was driving me mad. Her screams would haunt me for the rest of my days. I could hear bones breaking in her body, the sickening crunch excruciating to my ears. My worst fear was coming to light as I could only watch while Seeva broke Leoni's legs, each break too painful for my mate to fight back quick enough.

Seeva was a dishonorable female. If she killed Leoni then I would kill her myself.

"You are weak! A freak altered by a lab experiment!" Seeva hissed with every break and swing she delivered to Leoni's bloody and bruised body.

Seeva was wrong. I had been wrong. Leoni was so much more than what others saw her as.

Leoni only howled in pain. She tried to push herself away from Seeva, her arms not yet broken. There I saw something change in my mate as she managed to sit up despite the obvious tremendous pain it caused her.

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