Chapter 30 - Festivities

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"Your literally insane."

Drogaxe scoffed, rolling his eyes. "This is the fastest way. It is also the safest for someone in your condition." One of his hands caressed the swell of my belly gently as he purred.

"I hate heights."

"Lies. You jumped off a cliff with no qualms." Snorted my mate.

"Because I was running for my life! That's different!"

"You are safe with me, even in the trees. You call me Space Tarzan. Let me one up this ooman male's prowess in the trees." A claw pointed at the extremely tall tree that towered before us both, the canopy so high that I barely could see it.

A sliver of fear raced through my body as my mind fed me images of falling to my death or both of us meeting that fate. I groaned in annoyance. I wanted to take a hovercraft but he insisted on going by the trees. He said it was for him that is.

It had been five months since I had killed Seeva and five months of being babied endlessly by Drogaxe. You'd think I was actively dying with how gentle and panicky he was.

I loved him but he was still overbearing sometimes. I secretly enjoyed the pampering but I would never admit it. He'd take advantage of it and pamper me some more.

Heaving a heavy sigh of defeat I relented, "Fine. But if you drop me then I'm coming back to haunt your ass. I will be a poltergeist that will drive you insane for the rest of life." I poked a finger into his chest as he smirked victoriously.

"I will not drop you. Hush your doubting me before I pauck you in a tree."

"I'd kill you myself before you got the chance."

He seemed to find that amusing as he moved to tower over me, a gentle chittering in his throat as he smiled wider. "Keep it up and I will do good on my threat."

"Let's just get this shit over with."

Drogaxe kneeled before me and turned around to bare his wide muscled back. "Climb on my back."

I did what I was told and leaned into him, my arms wrapping around his thick neck while my legs made an attempt to wrap around his thick waist. He was simply too wide for my short little legs so I worried how safe this truly was. It did feel really nice to snuggle him from behind for once, albeit a bit annoying since his dreads wanted to stay in my face as he stood up. His warm body was at least a positive; I also got to feel his muscles at work.

"I will not drop you. Hold on my little mate."

With that he jumped at the tree and, using the claws on his hands and feet, ascended the tree to a thick branch. A few moments later we were almost flying through the dense jungle as he carefully chose branches to hold his weight, occasionally climbing higher or lower when he needed to. In the trees he seemed to be at home.

I was sure he would give Tarzan a run for his money if he were actually real.

It wasn't as scary as I thought the longer we continued through the trees. The warm wind in my face felt nice, the greenery flying by in a blur. Recent rains had intensified the brightly colored flaura somehow, the jungle a damp alien version of a Monet painting. The sight was beautiful and seemed to go on forever.

Another wonderful part was that I got to feel my mate's sexy body at work beneath me. Feeling his muscles expand and contract was a bit of a turn on. I already enjoyed his body, thoroughly, but to feel him in motion this way was an experience. Years of conditioning due to his species's lifestyle had molded his body into a well oiled machine of sinew and bone — a living masterpiece.

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