Chapter 18 - Feelings

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"That is all for today, pups. You have done well. Tomorrow we will work on foot work. Dismissed!"

The young Yautja left the room in a slow trickle talking excitedly among themselves. A younger Yautja approached me from the shadowy corner of the room. He resembled me but younger and with lighter green and brown skin. His dreads reached just past his clavicles.

"Drogaxe, I am glad to see you return to us in good health." He gave me a respectful nod as he stood before me, silver eyes shining.

"Thank you, Skadare." I start to return to Leoni and I's quarters, the younger male next to me.

"I have heard you have taken a hybrid as a mate. This is most unusual, but I am happy you have someone now. You have always been the loner nomad of the family so color me surprised when I find out you are mated." The younger male chittered and clicked in excitement as we stepped onto the elevator.

"Yes. I am the 'loner' of our siblings. My veins have only yearned for the Hunt so I am surprised with myself, brother."

"May I meet your mate?"

"In time, brother. She must learn our ways."

Leoni had much to learn about the Yautja way of life. She was born ooman and needed to be able to survive on her own should something befall me. Nothing would happen to me, but it didn't hurt to be prepared.

As we reached the door of my quarters I could hear a faint voice on the other side singing. Skadare and I met each other's gaze gripping one another's shoulder before parting ways.

On the other side of the door I was greeted with a sight I was unfamiliar with.

My mate lied on the bed with only her shirt and undergarment that covered her sex. Her limbs were spread haphazardly as she sang along to a song playing through the tablet she had taken with her off the ship. Someone must've brought her belongings, I concluded, since she had neatly piled her trophies together on the seating module. The door slid closed behind me as I walked further into the quarters.

My mate was oblivious to my presence until I literally stood over her where her legs dangled off the end of the bed, my arms crossing my chest as I watched her in silence.

"If it isn't the walking thirst trap, Space Tarzan." She giggled, her words slurred.

I wondered what had happened for her to act this way. It was seeing the half-empty glass of C'ntlip on the floor next to her that I sighed, realizing at last what it was.

The female was drunk off her ass from the C'ntlip. Oh stars!

"My name is not Space Tarzan. It is Drogaxe."

Sighing with amusement I watch as she moved around onto her back to smile at me upside down. Her eyes are unfocused and a bright orange, the glow reflecting softly onto her pale skin. The sight is quite adorable.

"I know, but you're like an alien Tarzan swinging through the trees. Space Tarzan." Her soft giggle has me shaking my head, my dreads swaying side to side.

"You are inebriated. Not in your right mind, Leoni."

"Mhmmm. That drink was reallyyyy good." That little face of hers is bright red as she eyes me, squinting to see me more clearly.

"You should stay away from that. It is meant for Yautja. Similar to your ooman alcohol."

"Noooo. I like it." Before she could go to grab it I swiped it out of her reach and swiftly dumped it down the incinerator chute. She groaned from her spot on the bed as I came to sit beside her, her orange gaze following me.

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