Chapter 11 - For Me??

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Once I had nestled Leoni into my nest in my ship and cocooned her in the covers she loves so much, I headed to my armory to re-supply. I switched out my plasma-caster for one with a full charge and made sure I was fully equipped for the job. When I was satisfied I headed to the control room and sat in the captain's chair where I tapped my fingers across the projected keyboard.

I plucked out the sequence of letters I needed to add Leoni as an administrator, clustering them together and activating the command. Across the wide window that showed the outside forest, I accessed the schematics of the facility from its own database.

Ooman technology is so primitive and easily infiltrated. Their firewalls are nothing to the superior tech of the Yautja. I was almost annoyed that it was so easy to hack through a so-called "military instillation"'s database.

The ship was set to acknowledge any commands she gave that relate to bodily functions and my whereabouts in case she woke up while I was on the hunt. I wanted her to be comfortable here. Thanks to the commands I input, the ship would recognize her as my mate and cast the live recording of my hunt onto the viewing window upon asking of me, which she I knew she would. Oomans are...interesting, and I had noticed she'd grown more comfortable around me. It had not gone past me that she was a creature of habit.

I liked her more and more. It was...a sobering thought.

When I inadvertently triggered Leoni into a hysterical frenzy I worried, something I've never done, I worried if I would be able to bring her back to reality. I had hoped the position I would have her in would excite her...but I was very wrong.

Yautja don't have such reactions to trauma or despair. Doing so is considered a weakness and not the Yautja way. We are taught from birth to be hardy and show no fear or emotions that get in the way of a hunt. Emotions other than excitement for The Hunt are frowned upon.

When I had sat there watching her mind take her to another place I felt certain emotions for the first time. I hastily hardened myself and searched with my bio-mask on how to ease her suffering. I quickly found an effective tactic that surprisingly worked.

The look she had given me was one I would never forget.

Her orbs of burning sunlight in a fading sky gazed upon me as if I was a savior. Relief slowly dawned on her attractive face. Those rosy pink lips trembled with the flow of her emotions.

She thought herself weak but she was far from it.

Leoni was resilient, strong, courageous, and thirsty to restore her honor. Her sire raised her with strong hardy morals that were similar to Yautja. I recalled her saying during one of our conversations by the fire that her father drilled the motto "Blood must have blood" into her from a young age. Seeing her give no second thought to avenging herself made me understand this ooman saying.

I checked on my little sain'ja before leaving the ship. Once I'd secured the perimeter and cloaked it, I followed the path my bio-mask set forth before me back towards the facility.

As Leoni said, "Blood must have blood".

As Leoni said, "Blood must have blood"

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