Part 61

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I'm left fighting these ropes trying to get out of them. I don't know what the hell she'll do to me if I don't make my escape now.

Four days?! That's the earliest Tamir will get here? Four days?! I need to get out of here now and then find a place-some place-anyplace to stay until I can get to him safely, or he get to me.

Unfortunately for me his sister only comes back to torment me with words, which hurts ten times more the her slap yesterday, well I think it was yesterday. I can't tell how much time has passed by.

Keeping her word she actually had someone come in and bandage my forearm that she took the pleasure of engraving something on there.

Third day in she struts back in. She off edge, what gives her away you might ask? The dagger in her right hand. My eyes dart from the weapon her eyes.

"Morning." She gives me a crooked smile.

Tamir's POV.

I arrive at my sister place. It's no news to me that Halcyon is probably tied up in one of her rooms, matter of fact, that's exactly what I was expecting.

Each of our partners have to endure a test if ever we want to get serious with them, it's always the same test, same principles, same rules. A kidnapping.

A family member takes the task making it look like betrayal to the victim, once we have them, our initials are carved into them, deep enough to scar after healing making it permanent.

In Halcyon's case she'll get my initial carved in her somewhere.

The whole point is to see if she'll break under pressure, using the Phoenix cube as a diversion. There's nothing on that cube I showed her but it all amounts to this.

Me on the other hand, never left for South Africa, I stayed updated on each conversation tracking how far she can make it and seeing if she'll be able to handle more.

The sun is starting to tuck away just as I make my way up the front of my sisters steps. I get to finally break it to her that this was the test, not looking forward to seeing her reaction what so ever.

My phone rings and I pick up. It's my sister. "She's gone!" Her tone runs cold. "I'm looking out the window she fell from-the pool! It's empty!"

"She fell out a window?!" I bellow. "The FUCK do you mean she fell out a window?!"

"She took her escape okay? I didn't expect her to do that she-just find her! She's injured and my best guess is she's running wild through the woods."

"What the hell do you mean she's injured?!"


"I'm not done with you." I hang up and race for my car. That woods ends on a highway, she's running straight for speeding cars. I need to get to her first.

I start my car immediately and speed my way to that exact highway. She's injured?! What the hell does that mean?! Did my sister take it too far with her? I mean she's always been the extra type.

I hope Halcyon's able to forgive me for this.

She's fast, but she can't be faster then me in a car. I get to the high way heading for the woods and park out of place before darting for the trees, maybe if I run into the woods from here, I can reach her.

I shout for her, searching and scanning for her figure in the tress.

"Tamir!" I hear a panicked cry and I move to it.

"Halcyon?!" I duck avoiding a branch to the face. "Where are you?!"


"Where are you?!" The scream echos and I can't pin point where my name is being called. "A location Halcyon!" I move deeper slowing down but picking up pace so I don't lose her.

"We're surrounded by trees you idiot," I turn to see her. She's a mess. Her hair sticks to her face, her clothes are drenched from top to bottom, her left thigh is soaked with blood as well as her bandage wrist.

She's shaking, even from here, I can see her whole body tremble with great fear and adrenaline. She has a gun in hand and is leaning onto a bark for support clearly not able to hold herself up anymore.

I rush to her. "Oh god," she flounders into the dirt and I just about make it to catch her head. "Forgive me," I whisper.

"Your sister," she's not able to focus on me her eyes darting everywhere, "we need to get out of here...we need to leave."

"No," I shake my head pushing her wet hair out of the way. "There's no need-we need to get you to a doctor." I start to pick her up. Her head throws back lifelessly...she passed out. Gone cold. Safety, get her to safety.

A private hospital is where I take her, a place I know no one will ask questions, where I know she's get treated right away, a place I own.

With no choice I have to call Kate seeing as she's Halcyon's emergency contact and she knows all her medical information. When she arrives she send me one nasty glare before racing to be of help to the doctor as much as she can.

I sit outside, in the room waiting.

I truly am a mess up aren't I? I keep promising her protection and she keeps believing me resulting in her getting hurt. My eyes shut harder as they start to sting.

How many times do I have to do this to her? How many times is it going to take before I actually lose her. Test or not, she got hurt. She was scared, she needed me, and I knew, I was right here yet I didn't do anything.

God I should have asked my brother it for this! Hell is shouldn't have put her through this at all! What the hell is wrong with me?! I push my hands into my hair but jerk up at the sound of soft feet.

"She lost a lot of blood," Kate stops at a great distance from me, I stand. "Like a they say she'll be fine. The knife or dagger or whatever, just about missed an artery, like grazed it." Her eyes burn with hate for me. No surprise. "She'll be walking in two weeks, running soon after that.

"But she won't be waking up any time soon." Her eyes drop to the ground. She sniffs twice before taking in a harsh breath and shaking her head out. Her eyes find mine once more and it's clear, she wants to say more. Much more.

"Kate...I'm seriously sor-"

"Shut up!" She raises her hand to silence me. "You right," her hand shuts in a fist before she sniffs harder wiping under her nose. "Just shut up." She turns from me. I watch her back, she too start to blur in my sight. "What's it going to take..." her voice is pained, "what's it going to take for you to just leave her alone?!" She faces me.

"I didn't mean for it to go like this!" I step forth.

"What was it supposed to go like huh?! Have you lost your mind?! She's in a hospital bed for God's sake! What more do you want!"

"I didn't want this! In what world do you think I wanted this?!"

"In a world you keep loving her!"

"I can't stop!"

"You're insane." She shakes her head before leaving me.

She's right, I have no right, whatsoever.

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