Part 9

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Warning: sexual content (smut)

(if your uncomfortable please skip!)

a/n: every smut part I'll keep putting this song but not all the time! you can either listen to it or listen to your own song.



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YOU SAT ON the end of the bed recalling everything that happened, eren really came to help you...... how did he even know where you were? did he follow you? your headache grew more as you thought, flopping back on the bed covering your eyes with your hands, you heard the door open.

"Y/n...." the person says as they enter the room, you jolted up as you immediately knew who it was, before you could even speak, you widen your eyes as you came in contact with lips being smashed onto yours. looking up to see eren as he pushes you back down onto the bed getting on top of you.

"E-Eren wait a sec-" you tried to talk but eren inserted his tongue into your mouth as the both of you aggressively kissed one another, finally pulling away, eren looked at you with a look you never seen before.


eren yeager, the boss of a ruthless mafia, was worried.

Wait, was he worried about me? but why, he doesn't even like me and we barely even know each other? We literally met two days ago.

"Y/n." I look up after I hear eren call my name, "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?" I flinched as his yelling had caught me off guard, "NOT ONLY DID YOU WALK OUT MY CAR, YOU WERE WALKING AROUND IN A GANG'S TERRITORY!" eren continues yelling.

"a-a gang territory?" you ask with confusion. what does he mean by that, is that area where all the gang members go? you thought.

eren lets out a sigh as he stands up walking by his window as he starts rubbing his temples, you sit up on the bed waiting for eren to speak, "only members of a mafia/gang goes in that area, that's why you didn't see anyone, that area is basically abandoned." eren says walking back in your direction, "that's why I panicked when I seen you run off in that way," eren voice went soft as if he was actually worried about you.

"h-how did you find me?" you say turning to the side.

eren sat down beside you beginning to speak, "after you left my sight I reversed my car and drove in the direction you had walked to but by the time I turned the corner you were already gone..........

(Yall know that sound it does in movies when their about to have a flashback........of course you do lmao maybe not but some of you guys know what I'm talking about lol, ok ok anddddd action.)

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