Chapter 07

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Chapter 07

"Mrs. Quinn, what a surprise seeing you here," Damon smiled at my Mom. "Payton, you as well."

Since when did he talk all formal and polite? I snorted, which didn't go unnoticed by my Mom as she shot me a glare from across the table.

"A pleasant surprise." My Mom smiled in response.

"So, Dr. Saunders, what are you doing here this fine evening?" Two can play this game, my lips turned up into a sickly sweet smile.

"I am actually here with my date for the night, Amanda." He gestured to the girl I never noticed beside him until he mentioned her.

I had a sudden lose of appetite, but I blamed it on the lemon water they gave us.

"Well, I hope you enjoy your evening!" My Mom exclaimed excitedly which made me roll my eyes.

"You as well." He smiled at her and winked at me discretely before turning away.

My eyes watched them until they got seated which just so happened to be only a table down from ours. I had a feeling he did this purposely but tried to ignore their presence to the best of my abilities.

"So," I began, my attempt at taking my mind off of the couple near us was heading off to a good start as I focused my attention on my brother. "Med school, huh? My big bro is going to become a epic doctor someday." I winked.

He choked on his water when he scoffed. I cracked up which made him glare at me while wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"No one says epic anymore." Dylan shook his head at me.

"I do. And that's good enough." I huffed and stuck out my tongue, shoving a piece of meat into my mouth and chomping down on it.

My Mom sighed, a amused smile playing at the edges of her lips as she sipped her tea. It felt like a normal family dinner before Dylan left for college, excluding the fact my Dad was at work. Since all of us are now focusing on eating and my Mom is asking Dylan about his life at his university, my eyes drifted towards the table where my psycho of a psychologist was sitting at. I jumped a little when I realized that his eyes were already looking this way. They looked towards the restroom area than back to mine. I cocked my head to the side but quickly got his signal. I looked back to my Mom and brother chatting, well mostly my Mom, Dylan was just nodding occasionally, and asked to be excused.

"Bladder of an eight year old." Dylan teased before I swatted at him as I passed.

For some reason my hands started fidgeting as my hands wrung together. My steps were tiny and quick as I made my way across the restaurant and towards the bathrooms, knowing that Damon would soon be following. I rounded the corner and bumped into something solid.

"Boo." Damon smirked at me as I stared at him wide eyes and jumped back with a little squeak.

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