Chapter 11

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Left a lovely surprise for the end of the chapter ;) No need to thank me! :'D and I'm getting a new cover made ATM so that's why it's not changed yet >.

23 votes for this chapter and until the next upload? Pretty please? (: votes inspire me, like seriously, they make me want to write more :3


P.S. the emphasized words are in caps because I'm writing on my iPad and there's no italics on it so ... And for the last few chapters as you can see too so please don't mind it >.

Chapter 11

"I-uh-I-I-I-P-Payton-I-" I mentally slapped myself.

He seemed to be amused for he smiled at me, a dimples appearing. I almost melted into a puddle at that moment.

I swallowed and tried again. "C-Come in." Words! Hallelujah!

He chuckled slightly as he entered, the woman next to him, Heather, smiled politely. I ducked my head slightly, my cheeks flushing. I must have looked like an idiot stuttering like that! And in front of his mother too! What a great way to make a first impression... Well not exactly first, but I highly doubted that he remembered who I was since the last time I saw him was years ago. And by years, I meant that I haven't seen him since the first grade. How was that possible if I had classes with him every year? Well it was the year that their parents had divorced. His Mom probably took him, but Allan and his Dad stayed. I've only noticed one twin and never the other. Maybe that's why I had them mixed up.

"You have a lovely home." Heather smiled at my Mom when she entered the kitchen, but when her eyes grazed over the spot where her ex-husband sat, her expression wavered slightly.

Was she not aware that he would come?

"I- Oh!" My Mom stared at Joey with wide eyes, her eyes trailed from him to Allan then back.

Her mouth formed an "O" as I wanted to mentally face palm myself. I'm guessing she bumped into BOTH of them and didn't notice the difference between the two or the fact that if she had met both of them then shed have to have repeated her invitation twice. What was she thinking? Then again, I inherited her infamous forgetful mind.

"Well, um, Heather you can sit over here with me..." My Mom's smile at the uncomfortable woman was both slightly nervous and apologetic.

Heather waved a dismissive hand, the situation already forgotten. She took a seat next to my Mom and the twin's Dad sat on her other side. Which means, yes, I was wedged between the two men. One who I am trilled to be sitting next to and had butterflies pounding the walls of my stomach. The other, who I want of of my house and would love to have the honours of kicking him out myself, literally. Of course, the one I wanted to stay was Allan. Note the sarcasm.

"So..." I clapped my hands together after a long period of silence.

Approximately an hour of silent eating? I think I was going to suffocate in this room. Like legit. And yes, I just used legit.

"How's the food?" I asked, shoving some more seasoned vegetables into my mouth as I waited for the answers that seemed like it took forever before anyone gave.

"Really good. You're a great chef Anna." Joey answered politely.

I could feel a glare in the side of my head and snapped in Allan's direction to return it but to find him not glaring at me, but past me. I raised a brow at his heated look towards his twin. I could only tell them apart by their hair and eyes. Joey had slightly shorter hair and warmer eyes.

"Yes, the broccoli is simply devine." Allan tried to match Joey's rather professional tone but it only made him sound like he was trying to use words he didn't know.

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