Chapter 24

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No Damon in this chapter, BUUUUUUUUUUUUT there's an explanation why Joey and Allan hate each other so much :) 


Chapter 24

I sighed as I shoved my hands into the pockets of the hoodie I was wearing. I was currently on my way to the Starbucks that was located near Allan's house. He had called me earlier that day and said he wanted to meet up. For what, I'm not sure. Perhaps it was a makeup date for what happened at his house last time with Joey? Well, that was technically my fault so maybe he'll make me pay for the coffee this time or something. I deserve it, I guess. Sighing again, I continued my path across the busy streets until I reached the entrance of Starbucks.

I looked inside the window of the coffee shop and spotted Allan's blond hair in his usual slightly spiked at the top style, sipping a cup of coffee. Entering the Starbucks, I made my way over to Allan, sitting down in the seat across from him. He looked up from his drink that had steam wafting from the little opening and looked slightly surprised at my appearance. He must've been deep in thought if he didn't even notice me dragging the chair from the table to sit down.

"A penny for your thought?" I teased.

Allan chuckled in response. "I should be saying that to you."

I cocked my head to the side, confused at what he meant, but he only shook his head with a slight smile.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked, not unkindly, in a curious tone.

Allan didn't answer as he took a sudden interest in his now cooling coffee cup. There was a slight dent in the middle of his brows as he scowled about something that he wasn't voicing. It was almost as if he was having an internal argument with himself, which I was almost certain he was.

"I..." He began, but didn't finish his thought.

I sighed. This was going to take a while. I got up, catching his attention. There was an alarmed look on his face.

"Just getting something to drink while you collect your thoughts." I rolled my eyes.

He nodded, relaxing now that he knew I wasn't just walking out on him, and settled back into his seat. His eyes resumed having an intense stare down with his now empty cup. I walked over to the counter and ordered a latte and a lemon raspberry loaf. When I got back to our table, I noticed Allan had finally seem to have come to a conclusion with his argument. I took my time to settle down and started breaking the loaf into small pieces, popping them into my mouth.

"I called you here because I wanted to explain why Joey and I... are not exactly on the best of terms," He mumbled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

I nodded, signalling for him to continue as I washed my raspberry heaven down with sips of my latte. 

He blew out a breath, reaching out and snatching a piece of my loaf from me, swallowing it before continuing. I rolled my eyes at his nervousness, but had to admit that it was pretty cute.

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