Chapter 05

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I havta go cuz my day's chasing me off D: I'll talk to you guys tomorrow >.<

Vote. Comment, Enjoy! (:

Chapter 05

"I-I-" I didn't know what to say.

I couldn't admit that I did, but I couldn't not admit it either. Allan's friend took a step forward, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. He was close enough to be right beside him, but still behind. It showed who exactly was the one leading. And in this case it was Allan.

"It's her. I saw her out it in your locker yesterday." He smirked.

My mouth opened slightly. So it wasn't Lion. I gulped, my eyes narrowing at his triumph expression that was a mixture was cocky and arrogance. I watched Allan's face which held no expression at all as he shrugged off his friend's hand.

"Go wait in the parking lot, Ryan." He instructed, jerking his head towards the front door

"But-" The guy who I now know, and will definitely remember, named Ryan began to protest only to be cut off.


Ryan muttered some profanity before stalking off towards the front entrance, leaving me here by myself with a rather tense looking Allan. He seemed off and as tired as it is today and had to be bothered by my letter. Boy, do I feel bad now. I gulped, preparing for the worse.

* * * * * *

"Do I have to go?" I groaned as I can already imagine my Mom standing beside my bed in her work clothes, tapping her feet impatiently.

Why did doctors have to have breaks? Why couldn't they just work all day and be too tired to nag their children when they come back? Why?! Oh yeah, because life was unfair that way. You can never get what you want most of the time. It throws you a bunch of things you really don't want to deal with. But then again, if everyone were like robots, there'd be no point in the world, now would there? Hover crafts and teleporter's, though I doubt anyone would want to turned into dust particles just to be sent to another place... What if their body parts got switched or cut off or something like in Harry Potter? Sure doctors would get a lot of money because of the mass loads of patients but...

"Yes, now get up Payton or you'll be late!" I felt my pillow ripped away from atop my head from my futile attempt at blocking out her constant lecture.

"We're late anyway so can't we just not go?" I pleaded but dragged myself up nonetheless.

"Dr. Saunders has appointments with hour gaps between them so we'll be fine." My Mom chirped.

That's nice... Does he no life? Does he sit there and drink coffee for the hour until his next love, mentally unstable patient comes? Just sits there with a cup and a pencil doing sudoku all day? How much does he get paid? Way too much in my opinion...

"How much do you pay him?" I asked as I started pulling clothes out of my closet.

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