Chapter 03

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It might take some time for me to upload the chapter after this since I have a test packed week next week -___-" but I'll try my best if I have some free time :) if not then definitely on the weekend!

Anyway enjoy!

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Chapter 03:

You'd think psychologists would be happy that you have to leave and would shoo you out as soon as possible. But of course, the psychologist my Mom hired would be... "Unique". I sighed when he dragged me to the side to speak with me before I left.

"I have an assignment for you." He said quickly, his hand wrapped around my wrist when I was about to leave the room, one hand on the door handle.

"An assignment?" I scoffed, "What are you? My teacher?"

I didn't want to sound so snappy and sarcastic but it just so happened to come out this way. Do I regret it? Not particularly, though I should be... I have a very guilty conscience, but for some reason, with Damon it's not the case. I didn't even feel slightly bad when he narrowed his grey eyes at me.

"Whatever it takes you to accept it, then yes." Damon smirked as he released my hand.

I rolled my eyes, but otherwise said nothing. The sooner he finished, the sooner I'd get to leave. And boy do I want to leave.

"Fine." I muttered when it was made obvious that he was going to wait for an answer before speaking again.

"Good. I want you to..." He lifted a hand and tapped his chin thoughtfully, chewing on his lower lip that drew my attention to it.

My eyes snapped back to his quickly once I realized what I was doing. A blush was slowly making its way to my cheeks but disappeared as soon as he said his next words.

"I want you to write him a love letter." He said in a deliberately slow speed.

Psychologist say what now?!

* * * * * *

I indeed... did not want do as he said. But who would? You don't just write a love letter to some guy that doesn't even know you exist! What's worse is how did Damon know I still liked him? I could've gotten over him for all he knew! Yes, I still liked Allan after all these years. I'm not exactly sure why I did, but something just drew me to him since the first time I met him in grade one.

I've been in every single one of his classes in elementary school, middle school, and now high school. He never noticed me though. He never did. I mean it's been about ten years! What could a girl do though? He was one of those cliche jocks that you'd find in books. Well, not exactly. He actually had extremely high grades with honours, MVP for three teams, volunteers in charities and coup kitchens, plus won a lot of awards that doesn't involve sports. What can I say? He was a well rounded guy. And that's why I fell in love with him.

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