Chapter 08

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I havta run! Enjoy! :DD

Chapter 08:

"You've got to be kidding me!" I hissed at Lucy discretely, while keeping a fake smile on my face aimed at the pair heading towards us.

Lucy was doing the same except her smile seemed more genuine which I took note with disgust. My nose wrinkled as she rolled her eyes at me.

"It's for your own good." She whispered back, then added, "And for your Mom's hard earned money."

It was my turn to roll my eyes. But she was right. Well for the money part, I'm not so sure about the for my own good part. I mean, seriously, what good would it do me to go on a date with someone I hate? Revenge? Maybe...

"Girls." Allan flashed a smile which I snorted at, but my action only seemed to amuse him and annoy me.

"Allan, Ryan." Lucy greeted politely and nudged me in the rib.

I flinched and rubbed the spot she hit, shooting her a glare before turning the to two guys in front of us. I forced a smile and nodded. My mouth seemed to have lied themselves into a tight line. I'm sure my smile looked more like I was constipated than anything else.

"Ready to go?" Ryan smirked wickedly in my direction.

I had a urge to have a go at him and rip his head off, but I won't. Plus we were on school property, no need to piss off the janitors by getting Ryan germs on their floor. I know I wouldn't want anything. My lips twitched at the thought, which drew the attention of the three surrounding me. I completely forgot about them until now and quickly wiped the smile from my face. Caught smiling to myself, maybe they didn't notice?

"Something funny?" Allan raised a brow, an amused expression on his face.

Dang, they noticed.

"Yeah, your face." I smirked before pushing past him and heading for the front entrance.

When I got to the double doors I turned back. Lucy was trying to hold in laughter while Allan looked shocked. Ryan looked pissed off because I insulted his "leader". This scene made me want to throw my head back and laugh, but I didn't. Instead I plastered on a smug look?

"You guys coming?"

Lucy bounded past them and towards me. We walked through the doors and burst out laughing but quickly contained ourselves when we heard the doors open behind us, signaling that the guys finally snapped out of their trance. They quickly caught us and passed us, leading us to their cars. Might as well see what Lucy had planned. Plus, free McDonald isn't something I'd want to turn down. I'll smack them though if they took me to some sushi restaurant in the mall. Personally, I hated raw fish, and all those different types of rolls didn't appeal to me. Last time I went to a restaurant like that, I ended up ordering only chicken sticks for the entire meal. Needless to say, the waiter thought I was a carnivore.

"Ladies first." Allan opened my door and motioned for me to get him.

I see that he snapped out of it fast. Not what I wanted or needed. I was hoping he'd be pissed off like Ryan and cancel on us or something. Luck just wasn't on my side.

"Where are we going?" I hear Lucy ask faintly.

Somewhere along the drive I'd zoned out and focused mainly on the music that was turned on low volume. I think the station was Kiss and Maroon 5's Payphone was currently on. I swear that it had been played a million times already, it was starting to get on my nerves.

"DanView Mall." Ryan replied in a bored tone, flipping aimlessly through the CD collection on Allan's car.

I snorted and rolled my eyes, causing Allan to look at me through the rearview mirror and Ryan to turn and glare at me. How cliche. A mall? Seriously? I looked over at Lucy and she had an apologetic look on her as she mouthed "sorry" to me. Well too late now, it's not like we can call it off when we're almost there. Just keep the free food in mind.

"Sounds fun." I replied sarcastically before drifting back into my little spaced out state, watching the other cars on the highway go by.

* * * * * *

Saying that this double date was boring is an overstatement. We basically went around shopping and trying stuff on, well mostly Lucy anyway, and that's basically it. The two guys agreed to everything and said every single shirt, pants, skirt was fine. Yeah, why don't we just buy the whole store. They suggested a movie, which Lucy agreed to since it would help me with Damon's condition. But I wasn't about to spend two hours in the dark with those two guys. Just knowing Allan is going to be right beside me will make me feel uncomfortable and then I won't be able to focus on the movie. Waste of money in my opinion.

"Where should we go next?" I heard Lucy suggest.

I kind of zoned out as we walked around. And her voice brought me back an reminded me of just how much my arms were aching eight now. Two out of the three bags I was carrying was actually Lucy's and the guys had another four each where that came from. Lucy had her own purse to worry about. That thing was the size of a whale and probably weighed more than she did. Maybe she kept a anchor in there or something. I wouldn't be surprised if she did. That girl was obsessed with The Little Mermaid. Well I liked it too, but I was more of a Snow White and Cinderella fan. Sure us, we're young at heart. Which reminds me...

"The Disney Store!" Lucy and I shouted at the same time and started doubling over with laughter.

We started running in the direction of the store after I shoved all my bags into Allan's already full hands. We didn't wait for the guys to catch us because we knew that they'd be right behind is. Poor guys with so many bags, too bad I didn't care. Well if it were someone else, maybe, but Allan? No.

We started skipping around the store and pushing buttons whenever there was a test one on toys until I rounded the corner am bumped into something. Or in this case someone.

"Sorry-" I began then saw who it was.

Oh you got to be kidding me!

"Damon? What the heck are you doing here?"



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