Chapter 02

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I'm having pizza so... See ya guys ;D

Anyway hope you guys like this chapter, I'm still just starting so don't give up yet! Vote first then read? ;) and leave me a comment on your thoughts at the end :DD

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Chapter 02:

Of course, I was reluctant to even think about knocking on the door. But I knew that chances are my Mom was secretly waiting outside just to ambush me when I try to escape. Perhaps there's a fire exit somewhere in this building... I was actually considering the idea when the receptionist's voice cut through my thoughts.

"You may go in directly." She gestured that the door was unlocked.

I sighed. Might as well get this over with. If my Mom was going to spend a bucket load of money on this, and she probably already did without informing me first, I might as well get her money's worth of "therapy". I would probably just feed the psychologist a bunch of nonsense about my love life, then pretend that I found the perfect guy and was going to be with him forever and ever and ever...

"Miss?" The receptionist asked.

I didn't answer as I knew she was probably giving me a weird look for standing front of a closed door, staring at it blankly. My hand slowly lifted to rest on the horizontal, thin handle, pushing down on it slightly. The door opened with ease, swinging open even though I didn't use much force at all. It reminded me of those scary haunted houses in movies that seem to open and close by themselves.

I peeked inside to see there was a large desk, like one in a principle office, on the left with a leather rotatable chair that was turned against me. A large plant sat beside the desk, hiding who I'm guessing was my new psychologist. Behind him or her was a large, wall to wall book shelf that was filled completely, no spaces were left. The wall farthest to me had a wall to wall window with the blinds drawn, but the morning light was steeping through only slightly.

"Dr... Saunders...?" I hiss, whispered into the room, testing out the name as I took a hesitant step into the room.

I took one more and the door slammed shut behind me. And... Cue the ominous music. I whipped around, my eyes bulging slightly from their sockets. Maybe... Maybe that was just the wind... Yeah, that's all it was. I gulped as I took one more step into the room, willing my heart to calm down. There's nothing to be afraid of. My Mom wouldn't have sent me here if it were dangerous... Right? Actually, who knows. She might be trying to get rid of me for all I knew... Okay, maybe that's going a bit overboard. Too much imagination, my Mom used to say that to me all the time when I disrupted her in her naps when I saw the under-the-bed-monster.

"Come in." Oh, so it was a man.

I walked over slowly to the seats opposite of where Dr. Saunders sat. I kept my eyes on the back of the leather chair as I slowly lowered myself into the rather comfy seat, settling down. I furrowed my brows slightly when I seemed to have fully processed his voice. It seemed... young. I leaned over in my seat to see if I could get a good look at his face. But I had to quickly get back and seem like I wasn't trying to pull anything when he suddenly turned around. To say I was surprised was a complete understatement. It was literally like the air had been punched from my gut as I gawked at the most attractive guy I've ever met in my life.

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