Chapter 2: Betrayal

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It was great to see the Alley again. It was alive and full of people hustling and bustling; completely opposite of what it was the last time he saw it.

It had been claimed by the Dark early on in the war nad he hadn't seen it much since. Being their number-one target, it wasn't a good idea to wander about.

He was brought out of his thoughts be the engraving on the steely doors of Gringotts. It seemed like yesterday that he was reading these words for the very first time. He didn't quite understand why or how he was here, but he knew that he should embrace it.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there

The warning was poetic and very literal. Having broken in to this place before, he knew that it was necessary. The Goblins were always portrayed as a treacherous species but the truth was, they were hardened by the constant betrayal of Wizards and Witches alike. They were Dark Creatures after all.

They made their way through the doors and once again, he found himself gazing in awe at the wondrous and enchanting walls and ceiling of the bank. He had been to a muggle bank before. At the time, it seemed like the coolest thing in the world. How times had changed.

"Name?" the Head Goblin spoke.

Before Hagrid could answer, Harry decided to speak instead, to prevent miscommunication. Hagrid's accent wasn't the most clear and he needed to be on the good side of the Goblins, if a 'good side' existed.

"Harry James Potter, sir," his squeaky eleven-year-old voice stated. He had forgotten how childish he sounded. He would have laughed if it wasn't considered rude to the Goblins. Occlumency helped a lot with that sort of thing.

The Goblin looked up from whatever paperwork he was doing to look, not-so-subtly at his scar.


Hagrid fished around in his numerous pockets and pulled out a couple of Bowtruckles, a Niffler and several other creatures before sighing.

"Sorry 'Arry. I think i left it at the 'ut."

Harry suppressed a roll of his eyes and turned back to the Goblin who was similarly annoyed.

"Griphook!" he called out.

A little Goblin appeared from behind the Head Goblin and Harry was reminded of the familiar face. If he was not mistaken, Griphook had been in hiding ever since the war started, very unlike other Goblins. Most of them were bloodthirsty.

"Take Mr Potter to get his own key."

The Goblin nodded and gestured for Harry to follow him mumbling something under his breath in Gobbledegook. Harry had to stop himself from laughing. Goblins had the most creative insults he had ever heard.

He learnt a couple creature languages when he was in hiding. Occlumency was very useful when it came to learning things and learning new languages helped a lot when forming alliances.

They weaved their way to Griphook's office and Harry was practically shoved into the chair opposite his banker. He hadn't done any of these tests before but he had heard about them. Supposedly, they didn't hurt at all so he was okay.

Griphook handed him an intimidating-looking dagger and asked him to prick his finger and let the blood drop onto a piece of parchment. He wasn't sure exactly what it was about that piece of parchment, but it was almost like it was radiating with...magic?

Overall, he had been injured much worse than a prick of his finger so he followed the steps without hesitation.

Soon words began to form on the parchment...

Name- Harry James Potter

Father- James Potter -deceased

Mother- Lily Potter (née Evans)- deceased

Godfather- Sirius Orion Black

Core- Dark


Ancient and Noble House of Potter

Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor

Ancient and Noble House of Peverell

Ancient and Noble House of Gaunt

Most Ancient and Noble House of Black

Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin


Potter Vault - 687

Gaunt Vault - 987

Peverell Vault - 893

Gryffindor Vault - 998

Slytherin Vault - 999


Ginevra Molly Weasley

Ronald Bilius Weasley

Hermione Jean Granger

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


Severus Snape

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Dark Magic

'Death Eaters'

All compulsions and Repulsions placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


100 Galleons monthly to Hermione Jean Granger (from 1 October 1991)

100 Galleons monthly to Ronald Bilius Weasley (from 1 October 1991)

100 Galleons monthly to Ginevra Molly Weasley (from 1 October 1991)


...was the only question that he had to ask.

What he he done to deserve this? He tried to tell himself that it was fake or that Dumbledore had done this for his protection, but he knew...

He knew that this was as real as his scar. He knew that the man he had trusted had, in fact, not been who he saw him as and he understood why he was here. He knew that fate had put him here for a reason.

Dumbledore had wronged him and he had to pay...

"How do I remove these charms?" he asked calmly. There was no way he was going to let that slimy git to control him.

Griphook handed him a potion and he downed it without hesitation. It may have seemed reckless to a spectator but it had a Seal of Approval. He wasn't going to drink it if it didn't have Approval.

He wasn't bonkers...yet...

Once he had collected his money from the Potter Vault, so as to not alert Dumbledore, he plastered on a fake smile and caught up to Hagrid.

Even though he was with Dumbledore, the man was influenced and he couldn't hold that against him. He was taken as a pawn in the nadir of his life, just like Harry.

That was why the first encounter with anybody magical at all, was a worshipper of the 'Great' Albus Dumbledore.

The goat was smart...he'd give him that.

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