Chapter 30: Lockhart

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Fudge looked at Harry with gleaming eyes. He would be known as the Minister that defeated the Dark Lord. They would mention him in History books and he would be a hero. Perhaps even as famous as Harry Potter.

Cornelius grinned.

"Thanks to a few reliable resources, we have managed to get a spy in the You-Know-Who's Inner Circle," he whispered like a child on Christmas Morning, no, not Yule. The man is a sad excuse for a wizard, he might as well be a muggle.

Harry raised an eyebrow but he was thinking about cursing everything in sight. Who? Harry knew that whoever it was, was going to die a painful death. Oh, this was great!!

"Who might that be?" he faked intrigue and then he realized who he was talking to. The buffoon couldn't count to ten. Let alone gain a spy. In the Inner Circle no less.

Cornelius leaned forward on the desk, looking around as if he would find anybody.

"Corban Yaxley," he whispered before sitting back and smiling widely.

Harry held back a maniacal laugh and instead just gave Fudge a grin. HE KNEW IT! THE MAN WAS A GOOD-FOR-NOTHING!!!

Hoho! This was going to be goo-ood!!

"Very well," he nodded, "Any information yet?"

"Not that I know of," he put his hand to his chin as if he was realizing something, "In fact, the only information that we got from him was... actually... nothing. You know what... I need to talk to him," he nodded before getting up and heading to the door.

Harry stopped him.

"Do you not think that the Minister visiting a worker like Yaxley would seem suspicious?" Harry manipulated.

Fudge nodded. He was like a child that didn't know any better and said yes to the man who offered him candy.

"I suppose you're right," he nodded, "Perhaps another day," he left the room.

After the raid was over, he went back to Hogwarts, lost in thought. In fact, he hadn't even realized that he was in the school. He looked up from his paperwork and realized that he was Lockhart's class. The fool. He reminded himself that he needed to teach him a lesson for being a fraud but for now, he had better things to do.

"Chief Warlock," Lockhart called, "Can you tell me, what my favourite colour is. It was mentioned in 4 of my books," he flashed a 'charming' smile.

Harry looked up from his very important Ministry paperwork.

"Professor Lockhart, with all due respect, I don't know and I don't care nor will it benefit us in any way. I am in the middle of some important actual work and this class is... utterly useless. As your colleague, to put it in layman terms, I do not like you. You are a fraud, a cheat and a liar."

A few girls in the class gasped but quickly regretted it. They had forgotten that he was the Chief Warlock and could do a lot more than take House Points.

Harry stood and walked slowly and dramatically towards the 'teacher' with the class following the Chief Warlock's every move.

He signalled for Lockhart to come closer. Harry was unusually tall and only a little bit shorter than Lockhart,"I heard you were very talented in memory charms, Gilderoy," he whispered dramatically.

Gilderoy paled and went stiff, to the class's great confusion.

Harry went back to a standing stance and winked.

He cleared his throat and nodded shakily before returning to his 'teaching', less joyful and full of himself than before.

Harry remained emotionless and sat back in his seat, continuing his paperwork. It was clear that he wasn't going to be disturbed by Lockhart any longer.

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