Chapter 12: Unforgivable

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Around a week after the whole 'incident' Harry was much better. He looked better and was genuinely happier.

Slytherin was happy to have their Prince back. All of Slytherin except for one Robert Hawking, a fourth-year Slytherin who was destined to be Prince.

He had been Flint's right-hand man for years and Harry pitied him so he gave Hawking a relatively high position in the new court that he and Rowle had built.

He was third-in-command and Harry left it at that. Hawking was angry and Harry understood why. He was supposed to be King and he had been waiting for Flint to graduate to claim his throne until a mere first-year stole his chance.

Harry approached him after he was appointed Prince and apologized but he didn't accept and left him there.

For the next few weeks, he was cold to Harry.

In the few days that Harry was in the Hospital Wing, Hawking took the role of 'acting Prince' after Draco declined. When Harry was deemed capable, he realized that he had to at least try to take his rightful place as Prince of Slytherin. When Harry came down from his dorm, he was faced with yet again, the entire court assembled before him.

"Heir Potter, Prince of Slytherin," Robert addressed, he didn't like where this was going, "I formally challenge you to a duel for the position of Prince of Slytherin, Do you accept?" he smirked. It felt silly to challenge an 11-year-old to a duel.

Harry chuckled. It was cold. His chuckle then began to grow louder and louder until the room they were standing in echoed his laughter.

It turned cold and high.

Hawking was slightly scared at a moment but he pushed his fear down."I accept your duel, Heir Hawking,"

Robert nodded and within seconds the room was arranged like it was during the last battle. Harry had done it by himself without his wand.

The Slytherins knew what to do and stood against the wall. Many shot worried looks at Hawking. The last time Potter was in a duel, it didn't end that well.

The poor boy spent weeks in the Hospital Wing for curse damage and Potter barely moved a muscle.

Potter and Hawking bowed and Robert took out his wand and aimed it at Potter.

"Begin," Snape announced.

"Expulso!" Hawking yelled. He knew better than to underestimate the kid. "Confringo!"

The curses were somehow absorbed by Potter. He seemed unaffected.

Harry closed his eyes and the room went silent all except for Robert who continued shooting random curses all of them to be absorbed by Potter.

At one last effort, he closed his eyes and yelled, "CRUCIO!"Harry opened his eyes once again, he was definitely hit and he did not absorb the curse like the other ones but his body showed nothing.

The red curse had struck him directly in the chest. He had not moved. Harry opened his eyes again only this time, his eyes were... different.

They were still green but almost glowing. Then he realized what kind of green it was. 'Avada-Kedavra' green.

Robert halted and fell to the ground exhausted and scared.

"You see, Hawking," Harry spoke with his voice clear and piercing, "I must say that you are one of the most promising Slytherins I have encountered yet and definitely the only one who I've ever seen to have the guts to cast an Unforgivable. You're a good one"

"AGHHHHHHHHHH!" the Hawking Heir screamed unholily. His body was hunched over and limp.

The feeling of Harry's magic intensified tenfold around the room causing many to huddle together.

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