Chapter 3: Diagon Alley

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Harry walked into the familiar wand shop and took a deep breath in. The smell of Ollivander's Wand Shop was irreplaceable and although the air was practically half dust, it was simply magical.

"My, my Mr Potter, it seems like only yesterday that your parents were in here for their first wands," the man announced in his usual creepy ways. He always made it a habit to scare kids as much as he could.

"I'm looking for a wand, Mr Ollivander,"

"Why yes... Of course," he replied going into the back and retrieving 5 wands made of Alder, Acacia and Ash. He knew that with this new type of magic, he couldn't take his usual Holly wand. These other wands were no where near powerful enough.

When Ollivander got to the counter, Harry let out a healthy dose of Dark Magic just to make sure Garrick knew what he was dealing with. Watching the man freeze up was quite amusing as well.

He instantly snatched back the wands and put them under the counter.

"I wonder..." he went over to the shelf again and pulled out a wand box Harry recognized as his Holly wand. It was nice to see the wand again although he knew it wasn't right. Not this time.

Garrick handed the wand to Harry and for fun... Harry let out even more Dark Magic.

"G-give it a wave," Harry obeyed and red and gold sparks flew out of it, weaker than the last time hut present nonetheless.

"Well, that would work but... it is not a perfect match," he contemplated "You have, Mr Potter."

"Thanks," he said plainly with a stern face.

Garrick looked at the boy-who-lived and not so subtly at his scar.

Without uttering another word, he disappeared into the back of his shop. He came back a few minutes later with another wand in his hand.

This one was different to the wands he held beforehand it was powerful and felt almost sentient, as if it held power of its own.

It was jet-black with white detailing on the handle portraying a snake. He handed Harry the wand hesitantly.

The moment his hand touched the wood of the wand, the room was enveloped in a cold wind and Garrick shook his head. "You have saved us once already, Mr Potter. This wand must be used wisely."

"Thank you, Mr Ollivander," he smirked, "8 galleons?"

"Yes, yes."

After handing him the money, he turned his back, letting out some more Magic just for the fun of it.

He left without another word. He could practically smell the worry of Ollivander.

The rest of the day Harry acted like the innocent boy that Dumbledore wanted him to be. He was sick at the thought of the sad excuse for a man now. He couldn't wait until he could mess with the meddlesome old geezer.

Since he hadn't thought about what to do with Malfoy, he delayed his visit to Madame Malkins to get a pet. Knowing that he was a Parselmouth, he decided to get a snake. It was just another reason for Dumbledore to worry.

While Hagrid went to get an owl for Harry, he stopped over at the Magical Menagerie.

He walked inside and marvelled at the creatures lined across the walls. The smell was unheavenly so he used his Occlumency to simply block his sense of smell.

Finally, he found the snake section and he heard a voice from behind him.

"Excuse me, sir, can I help you?" he asked, "we have toads, cats and owls-"

Harry cut him off, "I'm looking for a snake

"a s-snake?"

What a scaredy-cat!

"yes, yes a snake,"

"very well sir, these are all of our snakes," gesturing toward the wall Harry was already looking at.

: how dare you wake us up-

: I was fast asleep-

: come closer human one snake whispered. It was black, red and gold bands, roughly 20cm.

: yes, yes come closer, Human. Don't be afraid.

: kill me? I'd rather you that you didn't Harry replied nonchalant. By the gasping noise behind him, he deduced that the man had heard him, not that he cared.

Two more people came into the store.

: a speaker? Forgive me

: Consider yourself forgiven, snake

Harry glanced at a sticker on the glass terrarium that he was in.

Species- Magical Milk Snake

Bred in captivity


Age: 1 week

: Would you like to be freed young snake?

: yes pleasse, young speaker

"I'd like to get this one," he said calmly, looking at the man who was practically hiding behind a cat cage.

"y-yes o-of course," he stuttered. Harry knew that he wasn't the one who dealt with the snakes from the way that he approached the glass.

The boy-who-lived rolled his eyes and simply held his hand out for the snake to wrap around his left forearm.

While the shopkeeper was busy filling out a few forms, Harry decided to have a chat with the snake just to mess with him.

: Do you have a name? he asked

: yes, sspeaker, my name is Cassius

: Nice to meet you Cassius he spoke glaring at the man at the counter.

: Why glare at the human? Cassius spoke.

: for fun he replied smirking.

Harry changed his attention to the two people that entered. They were none other than one Severus Tobias Snape and Lucius Abraxas Malfoy.

What a coincidence!

Ignoring the glares he was receiving from the men, he simply paid for the snake and left, careful not to release too much Dark Magic. He didn't want Snape to report to Dumbledore too early after all.

The rest of the day, he made himself sick by letting the goofy 11-year-old self think. Pathetic

Look at the way Harry is acting. Will he get revenge from what Dumbledore did to him? Will Voldermort get the Philosopher's Stone now? Thanks for reading!

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