Chapter 6: Dumbledore

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The next lesson was considerably ess interesting than the one previous. It was Transfiguration...

and he couldn't be bothered.

"Mr Potter," the Professor called, "Since you can't be bothered to pay attention, please demonstrate."

Harry picked the needle up and looked at it for a moment. Soon enough, the wood of the match began to turn shiny and the ends pointed. By the end of the mesmerizing transfiguration, sat on the table was an elegant silver needle with a detailed engraving of a snake. Granted, it was probably not practical, but he was bored.

"Very good, Mr Potter," she nodded, "5 points to Slytherin,".

Potter went back to crossing his arms and not paying attention.


"Mr Potter," she called before Harry could leave, "Do you mind staying back for just a moment,"

"Of course, Professor," he replied.

'That voice and attitude' she thought, 'Charming and talented, He reminds me of the memories that Albus showed me'

Harry walked up to her desk and he conjured a chair while sitting down.

"Very impressive Mr Potter," she nodded.

"Thank you, Professor,"

"Might I ask how you manage to achieve wandless magic?" she asked.

"With all due respect, Professor, you may ask me but I may not answer," he remarked.

"Very well, Mr Potter," she said earnestly, "Do you mind showing me how just how extensive your knowledge of Transfiguration in?"

Harry raised an eyebrow and several items in the room including everyone's desks began changing into animals and other random things before Harry changed into his animagus (not gonna tell you what it is yet).

Minerva was gaping by the end of the display.

Harry changed back into his human form and the classroom went back to normal.

"Good Evening, Professor," he winked.

With that, he banished the conjured chair and left the room with his books in hand.


At last, it was Potions with Professor Snape. This class would determine the future association with his new Potions Professor. He had already made an interesting impression at the Sorting but the man didn't know what he was dealing with.

As they all found a seat, Harry sat in the back of the class alone until a bushy-haired Gryffindor sat next to him. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes and he repressed his emotions behind his Occlumency walls.

Like last time, Snape paused on Harry's name but continued the register.

"Ah Mr Potter, our new celebrity."

Harry suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and looked directly into the man's eyes, "I lost my parents to be a celebrity. I hardly think that is something to celebrate."

Snape raised at the surprising statement. He had definitely not expected that.

"Tell me, Mr Potter, what do you get if you added powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood?"

"You are left with a potion name Draught of a Living Death, a very powerful sleeping potion though adding Sloth Brain and Sopophorous Bean Juice will strengthen it." A

"I see, and where you would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?"

"The stomach of a goat, sir," he said calmly not showing any emotion, "and it will save you from most... poisons, sir,"

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