Chapter 26: Childhood

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"Where'd you get it?"

"You don't want to know," he shook his head. Harry looked up from the books raised an eyebrow.

"How did you get a photo album of my parents?" Tom shrugged his shoulders.

"I have my ways," and looked in Snape's direction. Harry smiled as Snape looked out of the window.

Harry closed the album and ran his fingers over the surface of the other books. They were ancient. Over the top of the first one was the Slytherin emblem. He opened it and found pages and pages of carefully written Potions recipes, spells and secrets.

"Is this what I think it is?"

Tom nodded.

"I thought that it was lost..."

Voldemort shook his head, "I found it,"

"and...I'm not even going to ask how you got the rest of them,"

In his hands were ancient books of different sizes, each with a family crest: the Potter, the Gryffindor, the Peverell, the Gaunt and the Slytherin.

"I didn't think that you'd like the Umbridge one," he chuckled.

"It's probably pink," he joked, though it was probably true.

Harry spent the next few hours skimming the surfaces of the grimoires.

Bellatrix and Sirius spent the time catching up and bad-mouthing their family and eventually getting out the Black Family grimoire and defacing a page with less than kind words as well as a few dark spells that Bella had uncovered.

Tom sat with his nose in the Slytherin and Gaunt grimoire, occasionally sipping his cup of tea.

Then they heard the door open. Lupin came back inside, looked at Tom and Harry, then Padfoot and Lestrange and walked back out again.

"Poor guy," Sirius drawled and Bella laughed, it wasn't a maniacal laugh like in his previous life. It was a genuine hearty laugh.

"I should be going now," Tom said getting up from his place on the couch and finishing his drink and putting his cloak back on. Bella and Snape stood and Severus had his usual cold expression while Bellatrix seemed genuinely happy. Apparently, Sirius and Bella were like brother and sister when they were growing up.

They always had each other's backs and always managed to get into trouble. During the afternoon, they reminisced on the pranks they pulled on their family. Tom and Harry felt bad for Walburga. No wonder why she's such a grump.

"I'll see you soon then," Harry stood and led them to the door, "You can keep the Gaunt and Slytherin books, Voldemort,"

"Nonsense...don't forget, you are the Head of House," he handed Harry the books.

"Then, as Head of House, I am putting them in your possession, for now," he forced the two books into his arms.

"Thanks, Harry," Harry raised an eyebrow. It was the first time that Tom had called him 'Harry'.

"It's not a problem," he opened the front door revealing a very confused and stressed werewolf sitting on a bench on the porch.

"Thank you for having us," Tom smiled, dragging Bella away from Sirius as they were talking about pranking Lupin. Snape followed along and nodded at Harry, "Second-year class in a week,"

"Of course, see you then," he nodded back. They all disapparated and Harry dragged the werewolf into the house.

"I was wrong..." Lupin looked confused, "YOU ARE COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY INSANE!!!!!!!!"

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