Chapter 11: Knockturn

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Like clockwork, the day that the rest of the students returned to Hogwarts, at Lunch, Dumbledore approached him and asked him to his office.

Harry asked Draco, Pansy and Blaise to come with him. Dumbledore raised an eyebrow but let them come. On the way to the office, Draco gave him a confused look but Harry entered their minds using Legilemency and asked them to just play along. They nodded. After all, they were not in a position to argue. He was their Prince.

"Good evening students," Dumbledore smiled sickeningly.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore," Harry spoke.

Dumbledore sat behind his desk as usual and Harry was directly opposite him. Draco and Blaise were standing to the left of him and Pansy to his right. Harry sat comfortably in his chair. The number of times he was in this office showed.

"Har- Mr Potter, I am sure you remember the little deal that we set up the last Term?"

"Of course, Professor," he stayed emotionless, "How could I forget?"

"Have you accomplished your task?" he said scanned the three students behind him. They seemed afraid of him and Draco was the only one who seemed to be remotely relaxed.

"I have, sir," Harry said calmly "This is Heir Malfoy, Heir Zabini and Heir Parkinson,"

"I am hardly sure we need to be so formal," Dumbledore smiled again.

"Good evening, Sir," they said one after the other.

"Yes, yes Good Evening," Dumbledore repeated

"These, sir, are my... friends," Harry sighed.

"I see," Dumbledore accepted.

"Well done Mr Potter, I see that the Slytherins are more accommodating since our little talk,"

"Yes sir," he replied, "They respect me," Dumbledore's eyes widened and he wrapped things up with the student and sent them on their way trying not to seem shocked, it didn't work.

Dumbledore paced. He tended to do that when he was deep in thought.

'How could I have let this happen? Again,' he thought.


"Tom, my boy," a younger Dumbledore smiled.

"Good Evening, Professor Dumbledore," Tom Riddle who looked to be a second-year replied.

"Tom, I have reason to believe you do not have any friends within your house,"

"You are correct in your beliefs, Dumbledore, Sir,"

"Tom, I care for my students and I worry about you sometimes,"

"Why is that sir?"

Next memory

"Congratulations. Tom," Dumbledore had a genuine bright smile, "You have found yourself a few friends,"

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore, I find that it is easy to find ...friends if they... respect me,"

End of Flashback

Hogwarts' wards were impressive but with Harry's level of knowledge in curse-breaking and wards, they were merely an obstacle. Harry managed to find a weakness in the wards in the wards at Hogwarts.

Not many people knew about this but in the Slytherin Common Room, there was a secret room.

A room only Slytherin Royalty could ever enter.

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