Chapter 10: Bored

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Harry was bored. That's all he could say. He read to his heart's content and now he lay on his bed bored out of his mind. He tried to bide his time with the paperwork that the Prince had. It was surprisingly a lot. He felt like he was ruling a country with all of its politics. There were even trials and suing on a small scale. For example, Nott sued Zabini for 5 galleons for giving him a piece of joke candy.

It was kind of fun. It was like in real life. No wonder Slytherins got so far in life; Gryffindors spent their free time pranking each other or playing games. It was childish at best.

Even with all of those responsibilities, Harry was bored. Until he had an idea. A crazy, insane idea but a good one. He didn't want to be looked down upon. He had already somewhat exposed his cover with Quirrel, who had survived the possession before being killed by Voldemort to test out his magical core, but he needed something more.

Something to keep his mind occupied and so that night, Harry spent some time seeing what he would look like in different glamours and he finally settled on one.

He had distinguished cheekbones and a square jaw. He was tall and intimidating though he was still quite slim. He had enough muscle to be intimidating though. His hair was still jet black but spiked upwards.

Harry wanted to build an underground much-less-than-legal alias of sorts. He wanted to build a name for himself without the burden of being the boy-who-lived, on his shoulders.

He looked at himself in the mirror and smirked, "Say hello to Ashe Marvolo," He had chosen the name just to spite Voldemort and Dumbledore. He needed to have some fun with it. He didn't want it to be boring.

He needed a sense of danger and apparently, being the number one target of the Dark Lord wasn't enough. Harry wanted even more and so, out of a rush of excitement and restlessness he decided to pay a visit to Malfoy Manor the next day.

When Harry had snuck out to Hogsmeade, Harry apparated to the edge of the Malfoy's wards. Thankfully, since Harry was still very young, the Ministry often just labelled it as 'accidental magic'.

He was dressed in a cloak with his hood going over his eyes. He couldn't sense Voldemort's magic here and it hadn't been here in a few days.

Harry had never apparated in this form before and it turned out that Harry's control of his stomach was still as much as an 11-year-old's.

After cleaning himself up, he began dismantling the wards, careful not to set off any alarms. The wards took about an hour to deal with but they were surprisingly weak (in Harry's eyes, anyway).

After dismantling them, Harry walked inside and found his way to Malfoy's study, where the man spent most of his time.

Luckily, the man was not there and so Ashe turned into the shadows to wait.

After about an hour of Harry twiddling his thumbs, he heard a click and Lucius was there at the threshold humming the tune of a song Harry didn't know the name of.

He sat down and after waiting for about 5 minutes. Ashe went behind Lucius and put a wand at his throat while releasing his Notice-Me-Not charms.

"Ah, Mr Malfoy," a cold voice spoke. Harry learnt voice-altering charms. He couldn't sound like an 11-year-old.

"WH-WHO GOES THERE?" Lucius spoke, frightened.

"Now, now Lord Malfoy, is that any way to greet a guest,"

"G-get out of my house!"

For some reason, Lucius had forgotten he was a wizard and he didn't even have his wand out yet.

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